If you don't play videogames on the highest difficulty (excluding difficulties you have to unlock first) then you don't...

If you don't play videogames on the highest difficulty (excluding difficulties you have to unlock first) then you don't deserve to post in this thread. This is a premium club for exclusive elite gamer chads only

Attached: el virgil.jpg (662x628, 181.03K)

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I too like needlessly bullet spongey enemies that are the same ai as any other difficulty but the hp slider is moved to the right

i am bad at vidya. my smash gsp is 120,000 on my main. and that's okay
the world needs noobs like me

Holy based user that knows and excepts his limitations. I hope you at least attempt games on harder difficulties.

my greatest Vidya achievement is beating Halo ODST on heroic
I am extremely proud of it

Gotta admit despite enjoying a challenge it's nice to take a break and pick hard or even normal depending on the game. DMD is an absolute necessity though.

DMC5's DMD mode is just tedious to play, because instead of making the enemies more aggressive, they just become damage sponges that take literally forever to kill. Not challenging at all.

Very cool user, it's more respectable to realize your limits and accept them than blame the game for something you can't do.

Easy - children/journalists
Normal - casuals/normalfags
Hard - actual gamers
Very Hard - Autists/masochists
This is how it goes 90% of the time. Prove me wrong.

God, you're a faggot.

Hmmm. Yeah, I can get behind that.

What if I play through first on normal and then on every consecutive playthrough I play on Hard or higher

I would argue that if the game's hardest difficulty is easy enough to be started on immediately without prior knowledge in the game, then it isn't hard.
Also in games like PoP: WW, higher difficulties aren't harder they just make its already shit combat even more tedious.

But what if the different difficulties have different bits?
What about muh cheevos?

Halo 3 ODST actually has a decently challenging campaign for a console shooter. If you really wanted to grind the game for a week you could 100% do legendary user. I believe in you!

This, instant hardmode being able to be beaten without prior knowledge or extensive get-good practice basically means the game was a joke.
HARD MODE God of War is just irritating and you can bruteforce through it by the midgame. Meanwhile MGS European Extreme requires you to KNOW the game inside and fucking OUT and requires a lot of both planning and reactions to pull off, thus being an actual measurement of skill.

Training for higher difficulties is cheating.

Goddamn nu Crapcom's graphics are so fucking gross to look at


based and redpilled

You play on normal then you go back and do it on the hardest setting. That way the pacing of the story remains as intended by the developer.

For the hardest setting to be
1. easy enough that you can complete it without prior knowledge and
2. without taking long enough that the story pacing is affected
Then it isn't really "hard" is it?

Damn I guess that literally anything that anyone does that's difficult should be done the first time or they suck.
Hey user, can you play a rendition of Dvorak's Symphony No. 9 on Violin for me, record it, and upload it right now? Oh but I would like it done while you've been set on fire and while balancing on a unicycle, please.

>posts the second easiest DMC game

>spongy enemies
no thanks. DMC1 was the only DMC game that did Dante Must Die mode right.

>fag op posts retarded opinion
>gets btfo repeatedly
never gets old

If it's the first game in the series that I've played (meaning I have zero clue about any of the mechanics) I'll play it on the recommended difficulty. But if it's a series I know, (or a genre I'm skilled in) I'll play on a harder difficulty.
I play games to enjoy them, not JUST to conquer them.

Attached: 1584134977580.png (448x474, 17K)

>the virgin bullet sponge/increased health difficulty
>the chad decreased player health and enemies with better moves

I play on normal, as the gameplay should be balanced around normal.

but user, they go in this difficulty
dmc 4

try and stop me faggot

Are there any good videogames that just make the AI better or give them more tools/attacks/mechanics etc instead of just lazy hp and damage modifiers on higher difficulties?

Virtually any game by Hideki Kamiya, his attitude towards higher difficulties should be industry standards

Ironman only. I don't care how long the game is.

Some of the Fire Emblem games have exclusive enemy skills that you'll only see on higher difficulties.

>dmcfag bragging about playing on high diffculty when you have to play dmc at the highest level to get any challenge at all