Why do we hate the time jannies again? They're literally /our/ guys

Why do we hate the time jannies again? They're literally /our/ guys

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who is that? Marlene?


dumb newfag
its priscillia from TSUNAMI, another anti-chinra group from Junon

Only redditors hate them. They are Yas Forums approved.

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She could time my jannie

Anyone got some joker pictures to go with this?

Post more

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Filthy casual.

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This gay shit is not canon though.

i wish they stayed alive, they were literally the only hope to keep this remake from going full retard

Attached: ff7perfection.webm (1280x896, 2.94M)

Because its an embarrassingly weak and lazy writing tool to add literal destiny ghosts. Especially adding it afterwards to an already expanded lore.

> Classic FF7 is a masterpiece and the remake doesnt respect its serious, well paced story
>Please dont mind Hojo chilling in the beach with some whores and telling you to fuck off

play the fucking game first, retard.

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Who in the fuck has ever claimed the story on FF7 is serious only, of course it has goofs here and there, its a videogame or are you going to fight

please someone draw time jannies putting sunblock on hojo's back


Imagine what the Time Jannies would have to do to make Supernova happen, let alone more than once.

Why didnt the time jannies rip off Tifa's sports bra?

Because someone has not drawn that

>Using shitty wojak-tier names like "time jannies" instead of the infinitely superior "HISTORY NIGGAS"

fucking zoomers please stay away from the fucking remake


Time Jannies is for casual conversation. History Niggas is the best name, for when you have fresh OC.

it's play the first game you goddamned useless underage cunt you are the cancer ruining gaming from later

These are people who ruined FF. Fucking first tiners..

because they keep making this same fucking thread verbatim over and over

My man, the OG had so many lighthearted moments that were very endearing. It played its cards perfectly with the chibi graphics

A man of culture, I see.

>Classic FF7 is a masterpiece
Good one

>he doesn't want it to go full retard
we knew what we were getting into
might as well find joy in the ride

i hate them for pruning battlestation threads, legit comfy threads but keeping fucking console tan doa threads up

Thats just what's supposed to happen in this timeline, if you hate it so much, maybe try killing the Arbiter of Fate next time?

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Design his boss battle for Remake 2, Yas Forums

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playing through ff7 original and like
what the fuck is the point of this part?
cloud kept shaking his head too, made me feel like i was doing it wrong

this boss was kinda hard, fought it for the first time a few weeks ago.

do i suck or is this supposed to be a bit of a filter for some?

No it was difficult I think. I remember being filtered by it way back in the day too.

It also has like 3 phases which is perfect for the remake fuckery which gives like 3 or 4 phases to each boss

god i love these. i think im warming up to the time jannie idea

He flies up America's ass, causing her to explode. The party has to fight him from there.

>not Plot Pockets

Is this supposed to be like an explanation of why her zipper is down?

Meant Aerith's ass.