What's in your current rotation Yas Forums?

What's in your current rotation Yas Forums?

You do play video games, right?

Attached: rotation.png (459x293, 67.42K)

The virginity is strong with this one

WoW, RE2, 3 remakes and Resistance, Overwatch and Borderlands 3

Haven't touched MHW in a while and already finished RE3, but I dabble in most of these depending on which of my friends are online

Also been playing P5R

Attached: gam.png (255x449, 109.93K)

Man I love playing Excel


>why yes i do blindly follow the recommendations of my favourite eceleb, how could you tell?

Games I tagged as "Currently playing"

Attached: currently playing Untitled.png (1297x957, 2.08M)

bad company 2, doom eternal, battlefield 4, Vice City and mario retardy

Sorry, I cropped it wrong

Attached: rotation.png (540x298, 82.17K)

Want to get back into playing Total War soon

Attached: recent.jpg (1596x873, 507.18K)

I'm on the edge with TW Warhammer 2. I barely played warhammer 1 but put 500 hours into shogun 2

How to get these type of screenshots?

I wish I could enjoy new vegas again but I just cant anymore. it was one of my favorite games to play ever but every playthrough ends up mostly the same and the game gets kind of boring now once getting to the strip

>open Paint
>Ctrl + V

steam > all > grid icon right next to HOME in library

I have sharex so I dont need all that shit, just wondering where this is displayed by most recent. Steam only shows me one row

warhammer doesn't appeal to me probably would go back to Rome II and never really played Attila even though I own all the DLC

Steam + print scrn + paint how do you not know this?

Tbh I wasn't actually playing it just seeing if my old mods still worked, same with fallout 4. I wouldn't mind to play NV again with all the latest mods with updates and everything. But I know that feeling

Boot up SDVX and IIDX for a couple of hours and go back to shitposting and watching youtube videos.

Attached: vvv.png (1080x1920, 2.44M)

>Dark Souls 3 when I feel like low level invading
>Monster Hunter world every now and then
>God Hand
>Xenoblade Chronicles

Then I play snes and gba games at random.
I think I'm gonna drop replaying morrowind to pick up nier automata though.

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I use GOG Galaxy and sort based on tags, screengrab,crop, that's it.

>Not Powerpoint
Get good

Attached: current games.png (314x399, 306.78K)

acceptable improvement

why do this instead of just adding non steam games to steam?

I don't want my steam friend knowing every time I boot up RapeLay

Attached: pepefroggie.jpg (800x450, 39.57K)

Playing Spyro: Reignited Trilogy at the moment.

>not wanting your online friends to know when you're playing kino


I don't know what that other guy is talking about. I have steam set so it doesn't show what I play there any way. I just don't know why I would play through steam.

I only play 2 games at a time because I'm not an ADHDlet

>not playing and buying everything through steam

Kill yourself brianlet