When will Atlus listen to people? Are they allergic to money or something?
When will Atlus listen to people? Are they allergic to money or something?
They won't even release P4G and P3FES on systems people actually buy.
I need them on PC
Atlus has literally never made a good game
>1 and 2 never existed
Every time
SMT is better anyway
No one knows why they're so retarded. One would assume its just boomer shareholders but we just don't know
fes is fucking shit anyways, coomers fetishize a shit version of the game
>boohoo why didn't muh twitter campaign work?? :(
Fuck off
Because the musou sold like fucking shit on the switch compared to the PS4 version.
Switch beggars are fucking pathetic.
>that quote
>"oh yes please beg us for it"
The fact that people actually do it it is hilarious. If you want to play Persona 5 you'll play it and then you'll probably;y buy it again on Switch and Atlus knows it.
I want to play it, explain how I'll buy it without a PlayStation
Actual autism it’s the same game except for the answer which is optional stop being a shit posting faggot
PC deserves the games more than sw*tch
If you don’t have a PS4 by now I can only assume you let Yas Forums make your purchase decisions for you
If you wanted to play it you would have by now.
Why is it Persona in particular that makes Nintendies seethe? Is it because of Smash because I thought we established that his inclusion in Smash was promoting Persona Q 2?
ok nigger
What a faggy hashtag
It was a marketing campaign to promote P5R for free, people actually feel for it thinking they would actually do anything.
>Switch version of P5S sold less than half what the PS4 version sold
Atlus isn't missing out on much money. Definitely not enough to justify downgrading the game to perform competently on Nintendo hardware.
The switch wouldn't be able to run Persona 5, it's less powerful than the PS3.
Smash definitely made it 100x worse. I wouldn't be surprised if most of the "people" begging were smelly smash secondaries that don't actually know anything about P5 other than it being Joker's game.
Fucking crysis is coming to switch, there is no excuse to not put games on it anymore.
But it will run like shit. If Persona 5 was on Switch it would look like a PS2 game and crash constantly
>Atlus announces P5 on switch
>It's the original version
Switch fags think every game should be on their console. Because it's portable every developer is losing money in their eyes by not putting everything on it. I love my Switch but I know exactly what it is.
>PS3/4 gets a game
It already looks like a PS2 game.
>Wants JRPGs
>Won't buy the JRPG machine
What goes through your head, user?
well the switch is more powerful than the ps3 and the ps3 port of persona 5 worked just fine
Persona 5 on Switch
Good, don't need that trash on Switch.