If I complete the main quest (and presumably get granted the kingdom) before the 90 days are up, can I still go around doing the side content or will I miss stuff?
If I complete the main quest (and presumably get granted the kingdom) before the 90 days are up...
Give me Valerie!
this game isnt fun
the game operates independently on its own timer regardless of what quests you complete at what time
so yes, if you rush a quest, you'll still have time as if waited until the last day to complete it.
This game has horrible game and level design. You spend like 1/3 of the fucking game in the map walking around and there are tons of game breaking bugs to this day. I don't understand how owlcat managed to raise 2 million for the follow up. Have you seen the achievement list? Less than 1% of people who played the game completed it on challenging. Less than 10% even completed the game. Who the fuck is giving them this money?
Give me Valerie!
Give me Linzi wife!
Thank you user! You are a good user! Linzi does have cute voice user! She does!
Yeah, time gets skipped and you are sent back to Jamandi Aldori, you get your barony and pick an emmisary. If you do it like 2 or 3 months before the deadline she gives you a crappy sword.
I'd explore around and do as much as possible before the deadline, as long as you don't miss it you're fine.
Give me Jamandi wife! Give me cute ovulating half elf mommy wife!
Why the fuck could you not romance her and Amiri? Seems like a real missed opportunity, I have zero interest in romancing the slut.
Shut the fuck up valanon don't reply to me, crawl back to the dead general from whence you came faggot.
You better step the fuck back before you get knocked the fuck out.
Thank you user! You are a good user! Linzi is indeed a missed opportunity! Give me Linzi wife! Give me halfling wife with small frame and fat butt!
Thank you user! You are a good user! You are a good other wife scholar user!
By the time I actually beat the Stag Lord and get the barony I lose interest.
I actually just got to that point for the first time recently and then stopped playing completely. What are some tips for getting into the kingdom management part of the game, it feels overwhelming and I don't want to fuck anything up.
I will surpass Old Sycamore!
Thank you user! You are a good other wife scholar user!
Set Kingdom Management to Easy. It's not worth it.
Thank you user! You are a good user!
Give me Valerie!
Thank you anons! You are both good anons!
I dunno but I wouldn't trust anyone in my party up til that point with a leadership position.
I want to cum in Linzi's pages.
Just imagine hearing her voice, knowing she's unable to do anything to stop it.
This does give me great soreness user! It does! You are a good user!