Smash Ultimate getting Trials of Mana spirits

Smash Ultimate getting Trials of Mana spirits.

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>SE's Mana series deconfirmed for smash.

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That's pretty neat. Seiken is a long lasting franchise but I'd argue it's more niche than even Ys at this point.

Bravely's gonna be the square shill pick for fp2

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Christ they'll do anything except Final Fantasy spirits (that aren't just Smash Cloud renders).

Probably right honestly. They need at least 1 anime swordsman to shill

I'd be okay with that. How would Sakurai implement the BP system in Smash?

Revenge-type counter

God I hope not

Arms says hi.

You can boost the power of any move with brave which causes it to become extra powerful but you get a lot of endlag as well as go into free fall in the air. Default is just charging up your moves power so you don't get the negative penalties that come with brave. Throw in some class change shit maybe and you get a unique fighter

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ARMS was added in the base game nearly 2 years ago. the mana spirit event was literally added this week.

Sell me on Bravely Default

>Resident Evil spirit event
The last two Megaman mii costumes from ssb4.
>Trials of Mana spirit event
The missing Square Enix mii costumes from ssb4.

I'm thinking I am going to laugh.

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I've only played 1. It has a lot of soul and it reminds me of classic jrpgs. Music is also nice

Eh, would have preffered Bartz for a Job System character but that would work too.

>take a defensive stance to build up BP
>can stock up to 4 BP at a time
>taking a hit builds it up to 4 instantly
>all BP is consumed with next Special, gaining more power with more BP

It's so obvious I'd applaud Sakurai for doing it differently

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Not like this Riesz bros...


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Come on user, that's not his name and you know it.

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I don't think anyone cares about this game or this series anymore
it's time to let go and move on OP

FFV isn't relevant boomer. If they were going to add another ff character it would be someone more popular like Tidus, Sephiroth, or Noctis

Makes the most sense. He’s another sword guy but at least his sword is different because it’s really long. They could incorporate his KH moves too.

Don't quote me on because I'm not 100% on it being true but I heard that back when Sakurai was talking with Square to get Cloud in Sm4sh. Square heavily pushed for him to pick Noctis or Lightning instead but he insisted on Cloud.

But that's Marche
I'm pretty sure with the Compilation, Dissidia and Remake all of his KH moves have been made canon.
The problem is balancing his range.

They could make him summon time jannies

Pretty sure Sakurai made Cloud as his first proposal before Square could suggest anyone, and they were surprised he'd pick Cloud as opposed to a more Nintendo-oriented character.

Good gameplay, job system, music and graphics. Horrible story and pacing. So basically the same as any Final Fantasy game with a job system.

>more SE content
That's interesting considering they were pretty stingy about handing over PNGs and music tracks for Cloud and Hero. I doubt really means anything over than Trails of Mana isn't a likely DLC candidate but hey at least SE is being a little less greedy

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Gimme Duren to play as in Smash.

>Geno also deconfirmed from day 1

>smash gets a bunch of jpgs
literally who cares

mfw I realize there are more Trails of Mana spirits in Smash then there are Final Fantasy spirits despite the franchise being represented thru a playable character.

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