
I thought Nintendo was the more family friendly company? What happened?

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Nintendo is for all audiences, and is based.

I love how weebs get butthurt over this when there's plenty of nudity in PS4 games.

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Do you guys ever get tired of shilling for video game companies that shit on all of your faces constantly?

SMT/Persona creator did it

Last I checked dads are part of a family and they like big tiddie. Mom's too if they got that nympho sickness

Based Sony hates coomers

So what video game did it recently that you're upset about and want us to click on angry gamer man dot biz?

PS4 makes you imagine she's nude.
PC/Switch is for underages.

Just learn japanese and enjoy the superior 18+ version

Localization. If you played the original western version on the wii u there is nothing changed.

sony is just evil


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Because this is a blue board we can't show how PC lets you enable the nude version mod
just saying

After "Graphical improvement patch"

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>b-but it's just localization
No it's called censorship

stay mad anime fag

Nintendo still censors their in house games, but they leave 3rd parties alone now.

>inb4 FE & MK11
that was the publisher’s doing so get mad at Atlus and whoever ported MK11 (but Atlus just used the censored US version because they are lazy, not for ideological reasons)

Tits too big

we live in interesting times

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By westcucks

who is that lewd elf in the bottom?


t.asshurt bitter Twitter cuck

>lol based nintendo banning trans flag from a video game stage
wait are you guys for or against censorship? is it only bad censorship when it makes your dick hard?

mental illness should not be encouraged

Sony sure are different from the good old days.

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>based nintendo keeping politics out of games

okay degenerate who wants titties in your kids games

>If you played the original western version on the wii u there is nothing changed.
Yeah because the western Wii U version was censored too retard


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>family friendly
Censorship isn't "family friendly"
Anything can be family friendly if parents would just give enough of a shit to watch what their kids do.

Nintendo turned Mortal Kombat blood white so it looked like punching milk out of people, because censorship.

not censoring and censoring nudity is a form of politics no less than a trans flag

not my fault that a game that already has titties gets ported to a console for kids
either way, mentall illness should not be encouraged

because PlayStation isn't a Japanese company anymore

Switch has no games so they're desperate

>there is nothing changed
Changes the ages of characters ruin everything. Edea in Bravely Default is much more attractive after I learned her real age is 15.

Grown men jerking off to toys because they cant interact with women is a mental illness

Sony is trying to get rid of their old playerbase, whereas Nintendo accepts everyone. Even the coomer weebs, so Switch & PC are the based combo.

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Titties are based, trannies are not. Simple as

and it bombed. Feels good.

The Switch image should be a shitty pixelated mess that runs poorly even at the lowest settings.

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At least tendies are starting to admit they're pedophiles

yes but having interest in the opposite sex is not
dilate more tranny

nobody would even play those games if it weren't for the echhi. What a waste of time to force yourself to play a game you don't even really like.

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This. Expect PS5 sales to rival Xbox in Japan.

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You don't know what censorship or localization are.

what this user is not telling you is that ultimate samus has the biggest ass

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Treehouse used to have a lot more pull than they have now, Nintendo put them on a shorter leash.

I have never tried to hide that fact on this anonymous image board. Although, it doesn't surprise me that some normalfaggot considers 15 year olds to be pedobait.

Her tits went into her leg muscles and abs. A perfect trade in my book

Actually it's called dekinai.

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Based Nintendo censoring thots.