Can I get into SMT with this game?
Can I get into SMT with this game?
sure bunny ears is a good start the story never really connects with DeSu 1 it's basically it's own thing
Sure. Remember to fuse often. Go back and play the first one if you enjoy it, it's great too.
Yeah devil survivor is how i got introduced to it. First one has a better setting and characters imo, but this ones good too. Better too play the enhanced versions rather than vanilla cos of content
The guy who voices Daichi is a massive furfag and has been the guest of honor at furry conventions
Daichi is adorable
Yeah, that's a good start. Play the first one as well if you can, both are good. After that, it's worth playing smt 3, 4, 4a to at least have an opinion, strange journey, and any atlus ps2 game. Haven't played soul hackers so can't recommend it, but I've heard it's fine. Persona if you don't mind something lighter
There's no real reason why not. In the context of the rest of SMT, it's definitely different in tone. The gameplay is the same as DeSu 1 and the core elements of fusing demons, picking a faction, and using buffs to not die are still there. The Big Conflict in the story is different from the Law/Chaos split in almost all the other games, so it's closer to Nocturne in that regard. Personally, I think of it as a refreshing change of pace that a newcomer may not fully appreciate, but by all means, play it.
Yamato a shit, Redman or bust
I bet the protag has a cute butt
Yes, as long as you don't pull the Personatard move where you refuse to try the other games for some arbitrary reason
No, this game will get you into CBT.
Why not play SMT 4?
Live in a world ruled by the strong. A true world of strength.
Yea but the first one is better
If you don’t side with him OP you played the game WRONG
>Become the strongest
>Want to make everyone equal
>Everyone has to do what I want because I'm the strongest
playing SMT Nocturne. How do I beat Matador?
Play it but realize Benetnasch is straight bullshit.
Use buffs and debuffs, they're actually important in MegaTen games
What's his name? Is he really autistic?
how the fuck do you recruit demons? everytime I try they either take my shit or leave
Have the vanilla of this shit, should I just play that or should I get record breaker?
Use buffs. Not debuffs because then Matador dekundas that shit away. You can sukunda him three times before he tops up his agility with Red Capote.
Also, don't be weak to force
Use talk skills, they're good
No. Play either SMT3, 4 or some Persona game.
only ones I got are scout and seduce and they do nothing
that's what YHVH did
How long would it take to grow hair like the MC's?
das smt bebe
one of my favorites and was my gateway game. enjoy turn based JRPGs that are actually hard
Are Hibiki and Daichi gay? They were holding onto each other and even hugged twice also the way Hibiki wipes tears away from his eyes and holds his coffee cup is feminine.
just two bros hanging out nothing gay about that.