>Doom: Eternal but free roam
Um.. Based department?
Doom: Eternal but free roam
>Doom Eternal but free roam
Didn't those Doom 2 city maps show you how much of a terrible idea an open world Doom game would be.
Free roaming should fuck off back to stealy wheely and it's clones or at the very least cut the sizes of the maps so players don't end up needlessly traversing empty deserts like in MGS V.
>Get lost on Classic Doom
>map design so bad one of them literally had an arrow pointing where you should go first
Can I be real with you?
Brown and bloom wasn't the problem, it was just the bloom. And they got rid of it and then added something colorful, which only made the bloom look worse.
Yes this is Based department how can I help xe?
>Arrow that can be barely seen on the original resolution
>open map
Seems pretty open to me.
That's the problem, it's a clusterfuck, there's so many places you could potentially go that, if it wasn't for the arrow pointing there, all you could do is go to one of the 10 buildings and cross your fingers hoping that you are going in the right direction.
Get gud.
I'm saying that if you open the map you can see the arrow.
>can't even have fun exploring the stage
I think you is the problem user
>spend 5 minutes killing everyone
>spend 25 minutes scavenging through the map for the keys since you are not sure in which direction to go
That's the gimmick genius. For 1994 it was actually unexpected
Yeah, nobody expected map design so confusing that you literally need to point at people where to start looking.
This is why Doom 1 will always be better than 2.
>since you are not sure in which direction to go
Learn how to play the game.
Megatextures weren't a mistake Genius Carmack strikes again
>had hopes cause Mad Max was pretty good
>avalanche borrowed heavy from it but fucked it up
Combat was good but my god the open world was empty, boring and even the convoys got stale pretty quick. That and Bethesda's infinite wisdom to sell the DLC in-game rather than through Steam means they can go fuck themselves with their shitty currency.
Will I have fun playing Rage 2?
>free roam
why do people like these so much when there is absolutely nothing fun to see or cool to do on the map?
Maybe wait for a heavy sale or pass. The combat is good, the open world aspects are really weak, and while I had a largely bug-free experience when it first came out, either I lucked out or they only made things worse and probably abandoned it by now.
It's free on game pass
Give me Lily wife!
why this game isn't anything but a laughing stock is beyond me.
>still not ripped models from those rage 1's babes
>tfw no rage secuel between that timelapse from the first and the second name
People would have to remember Rage 2 exists in order to laugh at it.
they look like ass up close, real shame.