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>Scorpion Sentinel
Literally why

you're gonna get so fucked by airbuster lmao


One of the easiest bosses in the game, literally impossible.

I've heard its way harder on hard mode, but I haven't started my hard mode playthrough yet. I did run through chapter 9 randomly to get some stuff I missed and the random mobs FUCKED MY ASS UP, like Aerith takes 3,000 to 4,000 damage from some enemies and you can't use items. You have to basically have cure on every party member or at least pray or some kind of support abilities. If random mobs are fucking me up this badly then I can't imagine how bad the bosses are going to fuck me up.

Do the bosses just fucking one shot everyone in your party regardless of hp and level and equipment?

attack when its tail is up

user, you're gonna have trouble later in the game if this fucks you up...
Use your ATB wisely.

just stagger it

Most trouble I had was a battle against two rocket launchers and two flamethrower guys lol

Chakra and Pray are very useful for healing without MP consumption.


No they don't. And hard mode isn't as hard as you describe it to be.
By chapter 9 you'll be max level already and have gotten used to being unable to spam heals whenever you want.
The only new gimmick the scorpion has on hard is that his grab will probably kill the person who's caught because you're not maxed yet. I didn't reach max level until chapter 6 or 7 in hard mode.

He's easier in hard mode as you can junction lightning to yourself to make you immune to his attacks

Surprisingly the Shinra enemies will fuck you the most when it comes to random battle mooks.

Get used to have Prayer, Chakra, Rise, Revive, HP Up and pretty much all characters.
Magnify Barrier makes boss fights laughable.

Hard Mode is scaled for a NG+ party


You think that's hard, just wait until you get to Chapter 17 Shinra VR Hard battles.

I did all of them and havent started my hard mode playthrough yet. I have that thing that makes me get instant limit break.

Only thing screwing me up in hard mode was Ghoul in chapter 11. That shit can fuck you up real good.

How is that possible when they're only available in Hard Mode.

The only "hard" battle in all of these challenges is Bahamut.
Honestly, I found hard mode as a whole pretty laughable until Sephiroth. The only boss I had to fight multiple times in all honesty.

He can just jump to chapter 17 on hard once he finishes the main story? The first few hard challenges will give him a shitload of experience and aren't hard at all.

You can pick those challenges while you are in normal mode but it just goes to hard for the specific challenges

You choose your difficulty before you select the mission, you can access hard mode VR missions from any difficulty

Oh shit of course. Fuck why didn't I think of that.

Is there any advantage to using the first limit breaks after you unlock the new ones?

The game even tells you so itself. No need to even think of it.

Not really, the level 2 ones are all pretty busted. Obviously they take longer to be available just like the game tells you.

Is Cloud the best character to give the instant limit break thing to?

I died to those same assholes like 3x. But really the worst fight is the one in the graveyard for that sidequest where they keep spamming fucking sleep/poison.