Why can't Japan make good RPGs?

why can't Japan make good RPGs?

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gotta love how every time one of these japan vs west threads pop up they always need to bring old ass wrpg because everyone knows how dead the genre is nowadays

It's not that they can't. Their citizens don't want to play them. Asian people are weird, they actually like living in box apartments and sitting in empty tatami rooms. They prefer linear, grindy games set in little towns and focused on simple things like high school drama.

F76 is the best MMORPG on the market now with wastelanders

Well, yeah. People would rather talk about the good games than the bad games.
Also, best JRPG is unironically Mother 1

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>everyone knows how dead the genre is nowadays
There have been plenty of good WRPGs over the last several years, what are you talking about?

>Western RPGs
>no dates

Attached: no dates yeah right.jpg (1920x1080, 177.88K)

Both WRPGs and JRPGs saw a significant decline as they fell out of popularity, JRPGs less so but the genre has mostly survived on baiting otaku's, not quality games like in the SNES days. Also the last couple of years a lot of good WRPGs have come out, just not the stuff modern video game players and reviews call RPGs like this trash

>no dates

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Yen is better

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Witcher is nu-Yas Forums trash and also Polish and therefore Eastern

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Which one is the social reject?

ok then

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> It doesn't have titties therefore it's bad
Why are there so many coomers on this board?

>They prefer linear, grindy games set in little towns and focused on simple things like high school drama.

Explain. I am playing a JRPG right now that starts as a simple adventure for treasure and now I'm fighting against a group of genetically modified scientists to stop them from forcefully evolve the entirety of humanity into a race of demon-like creatures that they believe will be better adapted to the enviroment of their world that is on the brink of the apocalypse. And that's the halfway point. Hopefully I don't need to explain how classics like old Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest games are epic globe spanning odysseys featuring battles against ever escalating enemies until they inevitably kill a god. Cliche for JRPGs, yes, but what you just said describes only Persona and maybe a handful of other oddities.

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>what is witcher
>what is underrail
>what is mount and blade
>what is fallout new vegas

>starts as a simple adventure for treasure and now I'm fighting against a group of genetically modified scientists to stop them from forcefully evolve the entirety of humanity into a race of demon-like creatures that they believe will be better adapted to the enviroment of their world that is on the brink of the apocalypse
fallout 1?


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>Witcher is nu-Yas Forums trash and also Polish and therefore Eastern
Riiight... we totally did not have witcher 1 threads with all the naked cards you collect like 10 years ago. Witcher is totally nu-Yas Forums. LMAO are you for real?

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Literally this weebs can't cope

You're trying way too hard to make your JRPG sound anything more than Star Wars level writing and setting, which is very simple.

> Not a single website cares about WRPGs except Reddit
> Westcuck retards constantly crying about their irrelevant Genre not being popular on Yas Forums & crying about Nintendo & JRPGs
Really makes you think

>octopath traveller
Holy fuck Nintendo shilled this game SO hard, i remember how hard people pushed the physical release because it was "limited" and then the game turned out to be shit

>mount and blade
>western games
also NV is a 10 year old game user

morrowind is an offline mmorpg and is trash
gothic 1 and 2 are both much better 3d open world rpgs from the same time

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What kind of faggot doesn't like to fall in love with a girl and save everybody from doom with her? Then after you finish saving everyone you settle down and have a baby girl.

So both are escapism in different forms. What exactly is wrong with a loser feeling loved and wanted? He's never going to feel it in real life.

I was thinking it was more similar to Kamen Rider Gaim until you said that. How many stories use this kind of trope, I wonder?

Doesn't matter what you think, there's too many details and lore as well as the way they were presented to describe in a single post, the point is, its still not what user was describing. He was being dishonest by pretending every JRPG is Persona, which is blatantly false even in modern times.

That is literally the plot of the first Fallout game.

>Yukiko ass
i will now buy your game

>entire world vs one small country
>still room for debate

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I, like many others of good taste, had been following the original game since its announcement, and ultimately decided against playing it when that retarded gross card element showed up

You don't have enough money for that, fag.

I love Yukiko!

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>He was being dishonest by pretending every JRPG is Persona, which is blatantly false even in modern times.
The post says "simple things LIKE high school drama."

What went wrong?

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Really man? If we are going to talk about mmos then why not bring up FFXI? A game that creates a far better story and world than any western mmo has done, I like XIV but it’s not the best game to bring up because of its gameplay

Can I say something? I actually avoid all RPGs for this exact reason. They always involve a fucking party or companion of sorts.
I don't WANT to have friends or companions. Not even virtual ones, because I'm a man who flies solo at every opportunity.
Are there any RPGs where there IS no party or love interest or friends at all?

So, do I have to debate now that the game I was playing wasn't simple? Fuck that, we'd be here all week, I will post it, just play it and judge for yourselves. But even if you disagree with this one, a simple google search will prove him wrong. Just search top 10 best JRPGs or something, anything that isn't Trails or Persona should do.

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name one other popular JRPG with a dating simulating aspect beside Fire Emblem and Persona

Fallout: New Vegas if you play it without companions.

Why are we operating under the assumption that sex appeal is all that matters? Is it really that hard to comprehend that some people just enjoy eye candy in a videogame, especially when that videogame is so painfully "realistic" that literally any form of silliness or deviation from the medium would be a welcome sight? What exactly is so wrong about wanting something like titties to glance at every now and then that upsets people so much?

To be fair with the image comparing thieves in WRPGs and JRPGs you could substitute out Baldur's Gate for Pillar of Eternity 2 and all the comparisons would still be true. It's just that any game that's been released in the last 10 years gets shitposted into oblivion and the whole thing gets derailed. For example it's literally impossible to discuss Disco Elysium on Yas Forums without three dozen anons spamming your posts about "commie propaganda"
Easier to use older games that have consensus to make your point.

Wild Arms 3 was so fucking good.

I mean an RPG where there ARE no companions at all.

Literally how?

>They prefer linear, grindy games set in little towns and focused on simple things like high school drama.

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>Are there any RPGs where there IS no party or love interest or friends at all?
Sure, and even in party based RPGs you can often just refuse to recruit them and go solo

>I don't WANT to have friends or companions. Not even virtual ones, because I'm a man who flies solo at every opportunity.

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They're still charging $80 for it on steam in Cucknada