what went wrong ?
Nazi zombies
call of duty
The complex maps filtered out the typical brainlets who only want CoD to be "point, press a button, kill an enemy"
You are a fucking retard if you think the alien shit that we got post bo2 is great by any means, the mode lost it's identity completely that's why nacht remaster is called cod zombies not the og nazi zombies
yeah. when you're like 12 years old the classic zombies maps are fun and interesting but when you get older you realise the core gameplay once you get the weapons you want is run around in circles and shoot. the maps with more shit to do are much more entertaining for long periods of time. I never actually played bo4 but i enjoyed the more complicated maps from bo2 and bo3 zombies.
bo2 had the best shit, it was bo3 where the lovecraft shit started to ruin it
like 2 maps had it bro calm down
They forgot it was a fun diversion
Still the whole story became circled around the aliens and some old head called monty ?
i mean the whole story is circled around it in the sense that you get every OG zombiecrew member to lead up to the final battle but like I don't think there is anything alien or lovecraft related in most of these maps
how was black ops 4 zombies? i stopped following after the horrible ending of black ops 3
a fucking mess, never got any original map only shitty reimagined maps with a story that doesn't make any sense, it's horrible that all i can say.
The story line kept getting worse as the series went on. The new story line could have been good in BO4 but they never fully committed to it and ended it on another cliffhanger. All they had to do was wrap up what they had set up in the previous game but they ran out of budget. By the time they went back to the original story they clearly wanted to end it as fast as possible.
>Mfw they ended with teasing a reboot
Well, if the rumors about cod 2020 are true...
I liked it better when it was more of a sitcom between the 4 stereotypes, and they would just roast each other.
>what went wrong
It's not NAZI zombies anymore. Also it when from fun side survival mode with cool spooky maps to a grand story driven campaign centered only around 50 step easter eggs
How to make Easter Eggs not fun: the mode.
Some fanart i stole from steam
It's just makeup on a pig. No matter how flashy you make it, nothing changes that it's just a basic wave shooter that involves running laps in circles over and over while things get more tanky.
Fuck.. wrong thread
>Yeah so to do this certain easter egg you have to wait until 1 am and then press circle every time you hear this weird tone and then go to that lighthouse, wait until someone knocks and...
I hated how they moved most of the wonder weapons to easter eggs hidden throughout the map with more elaborate easter eggs to make them viable weapons.
Passion project turned corporate
how did it end? I thought they all died, how does this indicate a reboot
No one figured those maps out alone, either someone showed them or they looked it up. The real issue with CoD zombies was the fact that the zombies just get tankier.
Well said, shit was too good for the series itself.
All of the aether storyline is erased and it's implied they go to another universe where they live out normal lives. I don't think they'll continue on this storyline
Fucking this. Doubly so for the pack-a-punch. I get it, you want your super special weapons to be a bit difficult to get and your super special weapon upgraded, but why should it be locked behind something that is impossible for a solo player to do?
Gay cthulu shit and removal of actual nazi zombies and the 1940s/1960s aesthetics
>play Blops 2 zombies at a friends
>all the voices are exceedingly annoying and cartoonish
It's like the tried to make it like L4D, but had much shittier writers.
These. I really don't see how anyone can call CoD zombies better than any other wave based shooter like KF1 or L4D2. The shit was always really basic with enemies that slowly get tanky and dull to fight.