Main character's appearance gets more fucked up as the game goes on

>main character's appearance gets more fucked up as the game goes on

What games do this? Off the top of my head Resident Evil 2 (original and remake) Leon, and Batman Arkham Asylum

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Spec Ops The Line is the best version of this

Main character in Freedom Fighters

>Funne frog therefore I postered

MGSV if you kill people

Lisa the Painful

Shadow of the Colossus

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seriously? I played this game a long time ago but I don't remember his appearance getting fucked up


Metroid Prime 3

Mass Effect and Infamous.

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Not so much damaged, but his outfit changes based on the season and his clothes get more tattered and mismatched.


also one of the characters in Eternal Darkness. Him recoiling from the torch that he's holding was neat.

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Arthur's face gets progressively more gross in RDR2 from tb


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This is so common in AAA games these days that I don't even notice the effort anymore.

Dont care. Shit games.

Him getting his face burnt really hit hard for some reason.


The God of War trilogy

bad taste



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it was just that constant heaping of abuse after abuse upon him, it really made everything seem like there was a true sense of finality, he wasn't coming back from any of it this time

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The Wonderful 101


World of Horror

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2013 tomb raider

Shadow of the Colossus.

Dark Watch

DMC5 for v I guess.
Summoner MC also loses his hand like half way through the game. And the sequels MC gets fucked up right at the end

every batman arkham someting

Was looking for Chad Molyneux's game

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this game's art style looks so good but the gui feels so cluttered

If getting old counts as getting fucked up then I think this counts.

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Well said. Why does Yas Forums shit on MGS4 so much? I’ve always thought 1-4 were almost equally great but everyone here disagrees.

didn't black and white have your hand change too?

Is it any good?
Looks comfy.

yes,the hand would get more gnarly and ugly if you went to the black side.

yeah it did... depending on your alignment

max payne 3
they even had the voice recorded chronologically in long sessions so the exhaustion is authentic

>Is it any good?
>Looks comfy.

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I think all the Bamham games do this

cause its a movie game

Max Payne 2/3 and Red Dead Redemption 2

I played some of this game and it gave me the impression of a weeb version of darkest dungeon.

When did OP say whether the game is good or not faggot?

it's a movie game with better gameplay than all third person games ever made in the us (the last of us and uncharted included).

MP3 I feel is the best example of subtle character progression in their look. Max grows his beard, gains a tan, gets bew scars and wounds, and grows/regrows his hair in a natural way throughout all the chapters. There’s also a subtle sweat build up in-game on certain outfits that dynamically increases with the amount of physical stress you put Max through.

>What is this! A curse? I am bewitched!