1. Bloodborne

1. Bloodborne
2. Sekiro
3. Dark Souls I
4. Dark Souls III
5. Demons Souls
6. Dark Souls II
7. Dark Souls I Remastered
8. Dark Souls II Scholar of the first Sin

prove me wrong

Attached: bloodborne.jpg (860x1075, 155.4K)

BB > 2 > 3 > 1 > DeS > Sekiro
Shanalotte > Emma > Doll > MiB > Firekeeper > Anastacia

Ds2>Ds1>Ds3>BB>literally any game>sekiro

Never played demon souls


Why is SOFTS and DSR worse than their originals?


Vanilla dark souls 2 had better ng+ mechanics imo. Never cared enough to play ds1 remastered.

sotfs adds even more >gotcha enemy placements and bosses in locations they were never designed to be fought in.

Because he's being contrarian for (you's)

I've only ever played SOTFS, can you guys elaborate?

from worst to best, yeah your right

Attached: Mandatory Souls Games.jpg (1198x827, 325.25K)

The worst part of SOTFS is that they add more of those statues that require a branch and you need to go out of your way to find the keys to the DLC areas instead of automatically having them after character creation

1. Nioh
2. Dark Souls
3. Dark Souls 2
Everything else

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i-i cant... bro...

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Vanilla ng+ switched up enemy placement/added unexpected new enemies really well every ng+ and it really felt like a different game each run through up to ng+7 iirc. Id say overall sotfs is better ng experience though with all the added content.


Based af

cringe af
spot the phoneposterfag

DS3 > DS1 > Sekiro > BB > DeS > DS1R >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DS2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DS2 SOTFS

I agree OP
But Sekiro shouldn't be compared to the others like this.

>games that run better and have more content are worse than the originals

I am not not even surprised by the extreme levels of retardation here anymore.

DS1R failed at fixing a lot of glitches from DS1, and is literally worse than DS1 in some other aspects. The only thing they did was update the graphics and call it a day.

SOTFS literally went out of its way to make the game more obnoxious. There are more ganks everywhere, NG+ is completely ruined, and DS2 access is locked behind keys that are tossed everywhere. SOTFS is literally the worst "remaster" anyone could imagnie

>cringe af

Attached: shiggy.jpg (581x548, 23.66K)

BB>1>Sekiro=DeS>3>Only correct order.

>The only thing they did was update the graphics and call it a day.
The graphics are what they fucked up, it actually performs massively better and runs at a consistent 60fps, even if you're on a computer from 2012 when the game originally came out. And they did fix glitches, especially at high framerates.

>Based af
>>cringe af

cringe af

dark souls 3> sekiro> 1
Sekiro was way too easy and short and had a boring af setting.

BB=Des=Das=Das3=Sekiro>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>knock off 2

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>current year
>still playing with the hud on

Attached: bc maria.webm (800x450, 2.93M)

There's Demon's Souls and there's a bunch of lesser derivative trash after it.

>nobody plays with the cover art set

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