What made it so good Yas Forums?????

What made it so good Yas Forums?????

Attached: 220px-Fallout_New_Vegas.jpg (220x252, 22.93K)

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reminder that Yas Forums is a legion board

crucifying degens

non bethesda tier writing

Presentation with decent writing, so much so that one could over look the abortion that is the Bethesda game engine.

Writers that actually put an iota of effort into their dialogue and world-building.

Solid writing, decent basic mechanics, a well thought out world with multiple paths through the story.

randomness in playthroughs, replayability and mods

The dudes who made it.

It wasn't made by Bethesda.

Obsidian. Most of their games are good.

keep seething, bethesdachads will keep winning

you sound like the one seething KEK

You can actually roleplay... the skill and SPECIAL checks are the best part. The factions are pretty good although honestly, they're mostly underdeveloped. Like you can't really do much with the great khans or the powder gangers or the BoS outside of just a few quests. It's got great writing and a pretty interesting story. I love exploring the world. it's a 9.5 for me honestly. The combat is serviceable. I don't love it but it's fine. If they just invested more into the factions and made them more interesting... as it is, it's really just NCR or legion. even a yes man or mr. house playthrough is mostly the same as just doing NCR.

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It’s really seemed like stuff was going on in the world. The battle that was going to happen was looming over every character for the entire game. There were stakes for everyone.

It was post-post-apocalyptic. In that it focused on societies that emerged after the apocalypse and fought eachother not survivors dealing with the immediate aftermath.
You look at Fallout 3 or 4 and everybody is living in rusty shacks and its like the bombs fell yesterday. In New Vegas you have the NCR which are beginning to live like pre-war society, the primitivist Legion, the high-rollers of the Strip who maintain the wealth and luxury of Vegas.
ALso pic related.

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The fact that the choices you can make are so conflicting that people still argue over which one is better years later

You never won,not even once.Bethesda almost killed the franchise you retard.


Nothing, because it's shit.

By taking the IP from a mismanaged dump of a company, and making it a regular franchise, making new games and letting the failed sequel be spiritually resurrected?

It had the good writing, freedom of shaping your own character, and choice n' consequence of an old school isometric RPG inside an immersive 3D open world with voiced NPCs.

Can't think of any other game that combines all those elements.


>Can't think of any other game that combines all those elements.


>bethesdachads will keep winning
So why are they losing right now? lmao

Missing the choices & consequences

It's a proper RPG.

they dont force an origin story, motive, or voice-actor on you unlike bethesda. you are free to explore the world at your own pace as you dont have what would be a time sensitive quest to search for your family member. the writing in general is leagues above the other 3d fallout games.

written by some of the devs who did the first few games, and it was based on a sequel they were working on before bethesda got it. The Idea were probably in their heads for over a decade and they got to polish their vision of the world and story, even if a good chunk of it wasn't able to make it in due to deadlines.

I really hope they pull through with fallout 4 new vegas, this game just needs a engine overhaul

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