Yas Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous Thread >Post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin, no OCs
>No shitposting, bumping requests or misusing Loomis and other artist names
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>When posting a delivery PLEASE don't forget to link to the anchor post.
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:
vidyart.booru.org/ (current)
vidyart2.booru.org/ (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites:
catbox.moe/ or imgur.com/

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:


Attached: 1587510033195.png (1200x1000, 606.39K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Anchor Post.

Attached: 1910fbbe1c4c474e04fb86a332f55c0732164b10.png (1328x1881, 3.24M)

requesting vanilla lewd of pharos

Attached: fes.jpg (1011x908, 335.13K)

gary C thread where?

Charlotta getting her dress blown up by the wind and not realizing it's showing off the G-string she's wearing underneath.

Attached: 1586134901061.png (618x628, 243.38K)

Requesting angry POV irrumatio

Attached: 1567785625187.png (708x786, 306.4K)

She wouldn't wear that, she is a proud knight not a harlot!

Requesting my character from the videogame "Mabinogi" on her Chichol Set, doing stuff related to dark gods like killing/fighting heroes, spreading dark mist of misery, sitting on a throne, reading ancient scrolls of forbidden magic, flying through the starry night, posing menacingly while bathing in moonlight, doing some sort of ritual or anything else you can think of.

Alternatively, spreading her wings and extending her hand to the viewer, inviting him/her to join the dark side.

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Attached: 1587469684019[1].png (4000x4000, 1.7M)

request silen man

Attached: 1587430646149[2].jpg (774x1032, 192.33K)


silen man pls

Attached: 1587470073918[1].png (173x288, 38.63K)

That's why it's called FANart.

request kyle go boom bang
m5 pls big boom shoot bang jap character bad not draw jap draw me request

Attached: 1587469812674[1].png (271x390, 208.18K)

so u kno who kyle boom bang is

Attached: 1587470012376[1].png (305x555, 343.93K)


Requesting Prisoner 849 being gangbanged by Fortnite characters.

Attached: 1587469878148[1].jpg (1920x2715, 959.3K)

Here is her in-game model for reference, I do not need to post Fortnite men everybody plays Fortnite.

Attached: 1587470145759[1].jpg (360x450, 9.83K)

Requesting Poharan in any of these outfits.

Attached: Poharan outfits.jpg (1588x1505, 440.41K)

Make it yourself nigger.

Requesting the Liar Princess huge futa with doggy wolf ears and tail seductively excited pinning the Blind Prince against the wall while holding both of his hand hands with him oblivious to the huge boner in between them.

Attached: prince+princess refs english.png (1552x1178, 2.83M)

Requesting Shirma and Chocobo on a Picnic.

Attached: Chocobo Mystery Dungeon Picnic.jpg (2338x1780, 571.48K)

Requesting the meme at the left with Wendy holding a picture of Mario

Attached: Wendy crush.jpg (1041x697, 138.3K)

Requesting Charlotte Aulin wearing a fancy swimsuit, emerging out of the water and doing the "Not bad huh?" pose. (see sprite)
She could be wearing either a fancy one-piece swimsuit (black or her blue+white color scheme) or a bikini + wet T-shirt combo, either would be great.

Attached: Not bad huh.png (1718x1753, 2.39M)

requesting kat and raven from gravity rush with king cai on a leash
the idea being a hypothetical scenario in a never-ever gravity rush 3 where they find cai and try to control him more

Attached: 1587490241686.png (1764x736, 716.66K)


Requesting Hammer picking up the Belmont's slack and becoming the protagonist of his own Castlevania adventure.

Attached: Hammer Time.jpg (2243x1601, 656.1K)

Calm down

No, every request here is "draw my japanese anime waifu in this outfit". Artists should be drawing better requests instead of wasting their time, so I won't stop.

Seconding but shes even fatter.

Requesting Sharon from Trails of Cold Steel seductively sitting or lying on a bed while wearing nothing but black lingerie (see reference).

Attached: Sharon CS.jpg (1846x2788, 1.04M)

and she jerks off with the minigun.

Western shit is garbage

Requesting Sephiroth accidentally time-travelling into the wrong Square Enix game

Attached: Chrono Jannies.png (2364x1932, 3.89M)

Draw Toadette P balloon.

Attached: ToadettePBalloon.png (1176x1021, 694.62K)

Drawfag here, I don't think your requests are any better than
>Make them chubby haha

The only thing worse than a skinny girl are people with degenerate fetishes.

Requesting art of Olivia, the cat in the center, humanized or catgirl style in this dress and making a sexy pose.

Attached: AlbumArt-Bazaar_NH.png (512x512, 560.14K)

Make them chubby haha

Attached: P5_Futaba_Sakura.png (320x816, 251.91K)

No way, super gay.


Maria dressed up in some sort of cat or fox ensemble or another

Attached: Maria_Transparent.png (994x955, 389.97K)

Requesting my character from the videogame "Mabinogi" on her Chichol Set, doing stuff related to dark gods like killing/fighting heroes, spreading dark mist of misery, sitting on a throne, reading ancient scrolls of forbidden magic, flying through the starry night, posing menacingly while bathing in moonlight, doing some sort of ritual or anything else you can think of.

Alternatively, spreading her wings and extending her hand to the viewer, inviting him/her to join the dark side.

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Attached: MarielChichol.png (3598x873, 3.96M)

>Artists should be drawing better requests
Right, where are they? Cuz you're definitely not offering them.

Attached: 76787888888.jpg (800x450, 60.54K)

The duality of man.

Requesting more of this Draco
and getting armour broken
or sailor girl Draco with an anchor

Attached: Img326906_l.png (335x425, 44.23K)

Requesting Ashley and at least one other member of the Vagrant Story cast watching Rashomon.

Attached: MV5BOWZlZTg1ODUtNWU0Ni00MWI3LTkzZmYtMGMzZGJiYzBiZTc4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODE1ODE4NTQ@._V1_[1].jpg (1010x758, 102.51K)

Getting there.
Don't know whether to use a light baby girlish blue or the original blue.

Attached: Untitled.png (558x740, 134.35K)


More of a navy colour, I think, would be better