This game is unironically one of the greatest first person shooters ever made. Why does nobody care about it anymore...

This game is unironically one of the greatest first person shooters ever made. Why does nobody care about it anymore? Did killzone 3 and shadow fall ruin the legacy of this IP that bad?

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Nobody cares because they go watch Ethan Klein's latest podcast right now holy shit he talks about how white people and particularly men have been unjustly made to feel guilt and shame for no reason, how black people weren't slaves "but were treated fairly equally to white men back then" and how the only solution is a white ethnostate he even mentions that Hitler's idea in theory was not evil

HOLY fuck guys watch Ethan's latest podcast has this guy completely lost his mind???

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Based taste OP, it's one of my favorite FPS myself.
>All those good times with the multiplayer
>Storming the last level and fighting Radec

I miss it

Liked it a lot at the time, waiting patiently for the day I can play it with mouse and keyboard.

The game had one of the best intros ever made.

>Did killzone 3 and shadow fall ruin the legacy of this IP that bad?


now choose your fucking class

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Daily reminder: the Helghast did nothing wrong.

Im honestly very confused by why these haven't been remastered and released for the PS4 with better performance. I loved 2 back in the day but its basically unplayable with how slow and unresponsive the controls are, the PS3 just wasnt powerful enough for it and add PSnow latency on top and its a mess.

But I bet a remaster bundle would sell really fuckin well. I remember being a cunt on the online multiplayer and just setting up turrets outside of doorways and camping with a shotgun and just utterly denying movement to the enemies.

>one of the greatest first person shooters

>"enemies" have cool aesthetics
>"enemies" are morally right and their actions are completely justifiable
>"enemies" are honorable
>"enemies" are smart and calculated, while your teammate is a retarded ni... black person who chimps out at every possible occasion

You think developers knew exactly what they were doing?

They should make a Jin Roh/Kerberos game.

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Rico was such a nig

>generic cinematic dudebro brown and bloom piss filter 7th generation FPS
Hmm, i wonder why it's been forgotten.

Having played it a couple days ago, the controls are the shittiest I've ever had to experience in an FPS in my life.

2 reasons
1. Shadow Fall was so terrible it destroyed the franchise and made GG stop working on it forever
2. ironic unironic ironic neonazi Yas Forumsack wehraboos who think the helghast are the good guys just because they have a cool nazi aesthetic and chimp out like niggers that a game made by the Dutch paints the future space Americans as the good guys instead of the albino space communazis in gasmasks

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>t. never actually played the game

Don't have to. The 7th generation was the worst generation for FPS games period.

Controls are like RE4/RE5 in the sense that they feel shitty at first but by the time you're done with the game you cant imagine them any other way and actually prefer the controls the way they are.

Who's Ethan Klein?

>who think the helghast are the good guys just because they have a cool nazi aesthetic
But they are the good guys unironically. They attacked only because they were abused by non-earth. They were basically just a mining colony with no rights living on a garbage toxic planet. They tried to negotiate, but were told "fuck off and be quiet or we smack your shit".
At least research the lore before you talk shit.

More like GG is buttblasted everyone likes the Helghast more than the "good" guys.

One of the best online experiences I’ve ever had.

enough with this revisionist bullshit, I was following Killzone lore since the first game in 2004, and GG has gone into great detail about how the Helghast were constantly competing with Earth for political hegemony thanks to their newfound wealth on Vekta and Helghan, until they eventually just decided to start a war and starve out Earth
predictably, the billions of people on earth didn't take kindly to the thousands of Helghast declaring their intent for genocide, and beat their retarded asses, only for them to form a "stab-in-the-back" myth to justify their eternal niggatry
they then proceeded to do the exact same thing two more times, with the last time resulting in them wiping out their entire planet with a planet-killing petrusite nuke they intended to use against earth

Maybe they should have just proved their usefulness then.

>They tried to negotiate, but were told "fuck off and be quiet or we smack your shit"
That's a funny way to spell "they cornered the market on the energy necessary to power civilization and refused to export any of it across the galaxy unless the rest of humanity declared the helghan corporation the rulers of the universe"
imagine simultaneously being a statist bootlicker and a plutocrat bootlicker

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The multiplayer was nifty, but I wouldn't even put it on the top 50 fps's by virtue (sin) of it being a console shooter. I remember having a lot of fun dicking around with some japs, though.

Killzone 3 was pretty good but 2 was very average outside of aesthetic.

>the game is bad because it's not on the platform of my choice

Killzone 1 had the best story and aesthetic, but very clunky gameplay
Killzone 2 massively improved the gameplay and graphics, but the aesthetics lost a lot in the translation and the story was extremely lackluster
Killzone 3 improved the graphics and gameplay even more, and improved the story slightly but not very much
Killzone Shadow Fall has some of, if not the, best graphics of all time, but the aesthetic is dogshit and the gameplay and story is unimaginably terrible, it makes Mass Effect 3 look good

Really wish they would do a remaster. Don't want to pull my pS3 for this. Also the fact I don't have the game any more

Hey, welcome to Yas Forums. Nintendo is your best choice if you want to fit in.

Killzone 4 on the PS5 will save the series, right? I miss scifi FPS.

8th gen is worse.

>Killzone 4 on the PS5 will save the series, right?
Yeah if it retcons Shadow Fall entirely and resurrects Jan Templar sure

They sound based, you are just a faggot

people don't buy ps3 to play shooters, they buy it to play weeb shit

>implying guerilla are ever going to go back to making games for straight men

Played the shit outta the first game, especially splitscreen against a load of bots. The story mode having four characters you could for each mission was cool. Hated the sniper rifle aiming mechanic though.
2 was mostly forgettable for me but I remember getting a ton of fun out of the online. Rico going full retard at the end and executing Brian Cox (I think it was) pissed me off.
3 I don't remember at all. I just blasted straight through the campaign.
I think I played the open beta for Shadow Fall and that was it.

For me the guns made me games so enjoyable. They all felt so different and satisfying to use, even more so with the secondary fire features on them. Luger's pistol and the Helghan rifle with the underslung shotgun were my favourites.

7th gen was the peak of fps gaming, yet boomers like you only jerks to quake and bf2

>As part of these new regulations several privileges granted to the Helghan Administration as part of the Helghan/Vektan Purchase are rescinded - specifically the right to a large home fleet and tariffs on shipping. The Helghan Administration refuses, but does agree to high-level talks on a compromise solution. Back home, however, the wealthy people of Vekta and the powerful companies in orbit around Helghan pressure the Helghan Administration not to budge on the issues of tariffs or self-defense.[1]
>Despite multiple attempts to negotiate a settlement, the talks between the UCN and Earth fail to bring a mutually satisfactory resolution. Earth flat out demands compliance from the Helghan Administration and the Helghan Administration responds by formally seceding from the UCN, declaring itself an independent colony
>The UCN considers retaliation by slamming an embargo on trade with Helghan, but this is deemed to be counterproductive - the Helghan would simply prevent any trade ships reaching Earth and Earth can no longer survive for any length of time without colonial resources. The decision is made to send a powerful UCA Navy fleet to seize control of the navigation points between the colonies and Earth in the Helghan system. Protecting the flow of colonial trade to Earth would allow a blockade of Helghan itself by the UCN and bring this matter to resolution.

I still haven't played an FPS that can replicate the heft and weight this game makes you feel like you have. That and the enemy AI and pathfinding are better than most modern day games.


Reminder that the Helghast were faggots and in the wrong.

>Earth underwrites space colonization
>This costs a ton of money
>Helghan corporations offers to buy a planet
>Earth agrees
>Helghan proceeds to choke off supplies to Earth that it needs to survive
>Places tariffs on Earth property coming through
>Refuses to stop
>Earth slaps their shit
>Helghast whine and cry and choose to go to neighbor shitty planet
>Cry that they were forced to leave (they weren't)
>Try to invade
>Get invaded
>Create superweapon to genocide both Vekta and Earth
>Weapon backfires on them
>Are STILL given land on Vekta
>Proceed to start a cold war.

>7th gen was the peak of fps gaming
There is like, a total of 3 good FPS games released during the 7th generation.

And I'm not a boomer, i think FPS gaming was great up until the 7th generation.

>the Helghan would simply prevent any trade ships reaching Earth and Earth can no longer survive for any length of time without colonial resources

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They forced the situation in order to justify what they wanted.
That's pretty standard political shit, user.
It doesn't make them the good guys.