Playable prologue ends with a title drop

>Playable prologue ends with a title drop

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>playable prologue gives you access to all the lategame weapons and abilities

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>playable prologue has nothing to do with the main story

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That's kino though.

>you think this is the case
>prologue ties the entire story together at the end

Where's everyone going?


>Playable prologue throws you into midgame and ends with a cliffhanger then rewinds to 3 months earlier.

I want Rean Schwarzer to turn me into a sissy and fuck me with his ogre cock

>playable prologue is non-combat related

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>Prologue is the final boss battle from the first game
>If you win, you proceed to the main game
>If you lose, you play a different section of the game as the son of the hero, seeking revenge for his death


>last mission is the title of the game

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I believe some Castlevania did something similar.

What is FFXII?

>playable prologue gives you access to all the lategame weapons and abilities
>in the main game they all unlock right before the end and you spend 30 hours with a dinky little peashooter and shitty jump

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>Game has multiple potential main characters
>All of them have their own prologue

>Playable prologue has a suspiciously happy ending

>Game ends
>You go back and get to play as an NPC

What is the only good Dragon Age for 400, Alex?

Assassin's creed 2 was badass.

I was thinking Trials of Mana, but that works too.

>The game starts with a prologue: no title screen, no menu, no options to tweak, until you finish it.

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>playable prologue takes place during the final chapter of the game but from the point of view of another character
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron was kino

Dragon Spirit: The New Legend

Dragon's Dogma

One of the X-Men games on the Sega Genesis did a cold open like that

>final level starts with a titledrop

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This shit makes me furious, every fucking time. It's not cool, it doesn't make me intrigued, it's just fucking gay.

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Sotn chad

>Defaults to the highest possible graphic settings bringing computer to a crawl
>Alternately, defaults to 800x600

>Prologue is by far the coolest part of the game and the rest of the game completely fails to live up to it

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