Just went from 60hz monitor to 165hz

>just went from 60hz monitor to 165hz

Attached: file.png (300x250, 127.45K)

Nice try but the human eye can't see frequencies past 4hz.

let's not do this please.

Anything past 1080/60 is a placebo. Fact.

>tfw dragging a window around on the desktop for the first time on a high refesh monitor

Attached: 22-4.jpg (400x400, 16.56K)

Why would you ever go past standard definition? The human eye can't tell past 480p 24 fps. And before you say it, no, I am not poor. I can afford the best equipment, you all are trend followers.

I bought a 8k monitor without upgrading my pc, almost like you. Pretty retarded thing to do.

just moving your mouse is insane

It's definitely not, but it's unnecessary to set such high standards for yourself if you're content with playing at 1080p60. You're just creating a need to spend a lot more money on more powerful hardware without really needing it.

This, I'm a cheap cunt so I'm gonna be sticking with 1080p/60hz until better monitors and the hardware to drive them are dirt cheap like 1080p monitors are.

Yeah. It's really crazy when you use a 60hz monitor again and wonder how the fuck you ever played vidya on such a primitive display.

>scrolling Yas Forums

Attached: giphy.gif (400x225, 1.62M)

>tfw watching anime on a 27" screen
It twitches so fucking much bro. Why can't they make anime at 30fps or something

Call me a pleb but I'm perfectly satisfied with 1080/60 and don't really see the need to spoil myself with higher quality, especially when the reality is that 90% of the games I play is just 60fps emulator/sprite shit. The only upgrade I am considering is a 2560x1080 ultrawide IPS.

Human eye can't see past 12 nm wave length


>tfw went from 120hz to 240hz
bros hold me

There literally no reason to go above 75hz
Its smooth enough
good games cant run higher anyway
movies, shows are all 24/30

Literally useless gamer bullshit like LED lights or vibrating mousepads.

at that point does it look more than real life?

Look at the refreshlet here.

Attached: tenor.gif (280x250, 665.42K)

Color > resolution > hz

>how I shop

Attached: file.png (243x202, 17.51K)

>"there is literally no reason to go above [highest refresh rate i could afford]"

your old retro arcade sprite shit will look more like a CRT than ever before at higher refresh rates

bro 144hz monitors are $110

>playing FF7 Remake inbetween rounds of MP games
Its insane what the difference is. After a few hours I don't mind 7R, but swapping between 30 and 120+ FPS is just insane

I'm in the same boat. Also worried that If I go higher I wont wanna ever go back. I'm already stuck with wanting everything in ultrawide even though tons games don't support it.

based crtfag

>I wanna a >60hz monitor
>I also want something >1080p
>tfw all the possible monitors are really expensive and my current computer wouldn't even be able to achieve that

Due to my autismo of not wanting a minor upgrade I feel like I'll stick with my 1080p 60hz monitor until computers that can run 1440p 120hz are reasonably affordable
I'm happy that I'm a cheap bastard that saves all my money, but sometime I get frustrated with it

Cute boy

lmao you all fucking retarded
I'm using a LED21 inches tv and I have no idea what hz it is.
