Is it inherently wrong to be making a living off of other people's money on the ground of streaming/creating "entertainment"?
Is it inherently wrong to be making a living off of other people's money on the ground of streaming/creating...
You only care because it's a woman
Faceless corporations do the same thing on much larger scales
Why do normalfags act like this shit is reprehensible when her viewers expect this bitchy findom behavior from her, it's the only reason they donate in the first place
All streamers must die.
I thought twitch had an option to only allow subscribers to watch, why doesn't she use that?
women as a whole are bigger parasites than corporations
as far as i know you can only filter the chat, like sub only chat or follower only chat.
Based genetic dead end poster.
you guys seem to get really upset that other people enjoy a different form of entertainment then you do; have you considered that being unable to accept other people having differing opinions is a key sign of autism
Internet was the worst thing to ever happen to women.
There's no such thing as inherently wrong. This woman is using capitalism like it's supposed to.
shut the fuck up nigger go donate more money to a woman that will never ever fuck you
seethe roastie
there's nothing wrong with it. But ignorantly begging because your argument is "$5 dollars is not a lot of money for a grown adult. and if you don't have $5 to spend on me then you are irresponsible with money" is fucking retarded. Imagine uploading content to a free website begging for money because you provide muh entertainment. Twitch streamer ego has hit a completely new low.
>you can afford to subscribe
No shit.
>therefore you should subscribe
>if you don't subscribe I might not be able to continue making content
Then don't. There's no shortage of "content creators". Many of whom don't consider begging for charity worthwhile content. Chapped cunts.
I don't care if some thot wants to set women's rights back a century because it's easy money to show some skin on stream. What I care about is that they don't acknowledge what they're doing. Go ahead, whore out your young looks for some cash, but at least be honest about it instead of playing the biggest game of mental gymnastics to escape any and all consequences for doing so.
Does she seem to talk in a fake way to anyone else? The tone of voice she stresses and how she paces her words seems very fake and orchestrated.
how is getting the entertainment you enjoy for free a sign of being irresponsible with money
It's the exact opposite
Why do these videos always surprise me? You think you seen it all, but people like this truly do exist. I don't care she is a women, this entitled attitude is in all "steamers" that act like this.
>why would I ever pay for it when this slut is giving it away for free?
Ding ding ding
the last part of that video is 100% tru, why WOULD i pay for it when she is giving it away for free. she could always deliver her content through patreon onlyfans or whatever if she wants guaranteed remuneration.
Her voice is relaxing, she should do ASMR videos, i like voice like that to sleep.
but why is she half naked?
No, it's not wrong to part fools from their money in any way, shape, or form. If you go homeless in this day and age, it is 100% your own fault. Homelessness is also reversible, so staying that way is also 100% your own fault.
all women are whores
It's how women behave when they're angry but they acknowledge they need to act civil in order to not damage their reputation. It's the female equivalent of mansplaining. In other words she's a bitch but she's trying really hard to not come off as one.
You should check out "real" celebrities from Hollywood and such
no it's inherently wrong for people to be stupid enough to literally give their money away. Need another world war to cull the stupid people.
>pissing off your paypigs
She should just restrict her streams to subscribers only if it's such a big deal.
nice spacing redditnigger
she is entitled, but her points (except her last one) were valid.
if you are watching a stream, any stream, and you don't have $10 of disposable income to spend (not necessarily on the streamer), then you should be focused on making more money. think about it now, do you have $10 to spend this very second? most people do, but the people who don't, like they truly don't have $10 to spare, are fucked financially and should be focused on making more money in their life.
Now to pretend that she's worth your hard earned money is bs, there's free content anywhere and she does nothing special. but i mean shit like lootboxes make a ton of money so stupid people will always exist to give stupid things money, doesn't mean they deserve it though.
However if at any given point in your life $10 is some sort of burden to you, you should realize you're fucked and need to get a (better) job.
these women act like cunts on purpose for the free publicity, they know someone will clip it and it will go viral on twitter/youtube
stop talking about them, youre giving them what they want
The fact she thinks the masturbators care about her thoughts and opinions is hilarious and pathetic.
>inb4 anyone says the same about me.
Everyone on Twitch thinks they're an "entertainer" or "content creator".
I absolutely hate streamer culture.
>if you are watching a stream, any stream, and you don't have $10 of disposable income to spend (not necessarily on the streamer), then you should be focused on making more money
This is a false pretense. Just because you have money doesn't mean you are therefore obligated to give it away. People that know how to avoid giving away money for nothing are more responsible.
They want to lose roughly 90% of their current subs in a day?
>You're irresponsible with money
>Because you don't donate to me
There is such a thing as bad publicity. Even orbiters bail on women that act like entitled cunts.
Faceless corporations do the same thing on much larger scales
is that what a "women cave" looks like? Damn all that useless clutter
>Many of whom don't consider begging for charity worthwhile content.
This is actually what annoys me the most. People trying to beg or somehow guilt you into pay for them. It's fucking obnoxious.
If the creator relies on donations, I'd much rather prefer someone who is actually being genuine and honest about that shit, I'd much sooner be willing to pay a content creator I enjoy who says something along the lines of
>"If subscription is not your thing, consider making a one-time donation based on how much you enjoyed the latest content instead."
Or really anyone who sets their lowest payment as $1/month and doesn't try to coax people into paying more with shitty tiers, just tells them to pay what they feel like their content is worth.
I've seen a few people doing this and I had tons of respect for them, but not everyone does it.
i want her to wrap those legs around my neck and choke me out
No. Supply and demand. Things like this will exist as long as someone is willing to pay for it.
I don't think beta simps care.
based frog poster