Settle it, Yas Forums. Which one is better and EXPLAIN WHY

Settle it, Yas Forums. Which one is better and EXPLAIN WHY

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Portable because you can fuck the boy and it has that cute black girl.

P3P, shinjiro lives with FeMC and OP is a banger

The one where you can actually control your characters.

P3P is the best
FESfags can suck my dick, the Answer was garbage

P3P adds a lot to the game and its only real setback is turning the simulation parts into a VN. That said, not a lot of the new additions are very good. The fem protag, while a neat idea, does a lot of very stupid things with the story. Tartarus no longer heals you when you return to the first floor. Not having access to different weapon types, etc.
Overall though, what P3P does wrong isn't enough to outweigh what it does right. So, I'd say P3P is objectively the best of the 3.
That said, much of what P3P does right is in combat and quite honestly, persona 3 is not a very good game as far as combat goes. It's very inferior to just about every other persona game alone, especially in difficulty. You can breeze through the game even with the retard AI always set to Act Freely. Persona 3's draw is really in the simulation part. So someone saying they prefer FES since it lets you actually explore the world properly is completely acceptable as well.

The ones where you can date Elizabeth because she is best girl

>says p3p is objectively the best of the 3
>goes on to explain how simulation is what draws persona 3 fans, and p3p is lacking in that respect so it would be acceptable to prefer fes
huh? so are those people just wrong?

it's all outdated shit play 4 or 5 instead.

FES is the best.

FES for 1st playthrough, P3P afterward

Objectively means not effected by opinion. Looking at the game from a non-opinionated perspective, it adds a lot and improves a lot. Saying it's not the best is like saying a new phone is worse than an old phone.
However, it's completely acceptable to prefer said old phone because it has access to some apps you liked or some other shit that the new phone doesn't have.

This + skip the answer

FES is better for a first playthrough because of the better presentation and cutscenes

P3P is better for a repeat playthrough because you can be a girl and you can control your party members

(The only reason people reccomend P3P is because they did what I just said and have blanked all of P3P's drawbacks out of their head.)

portable because you can romance the shota and he BTFO Akihiko over you

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But you need the answer to understand what happened to MC

what the fuck were they thinking with this? he's like 10

They were based as fuck. /ss/ chads

You get the most hours out of P3P assuming you give a shit and will play the alternate story, so that
I don't give a shit about the social sections being purely menus but that does seem to be a deal breaker for some people, though even then you're still getting more time for your money

They all fucking suck, go play nocturne

I've never played persona.
Is it common for the series to release a game, and then re-release the same fucking game at full price a year later with some DLC tier additions?
Are japs really jews?

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Is it okay to be a shotacon and being robosexual?

The original experience, best graphics and cutscenes. Semi-AI controlled party is kinda lame sometimes but still interesting
PE+couple of new stuff, the complete package for the MC
FeMC, different soundtrack, no animated cutscenes, visual novel-stylish, you can control your party
P3FES is the best for a first time experience

If you play as the femc, you are a faggot.
P3P had some nice qol over FES, but lost most of the scenery it had in the port to handheld.
From a gameplay standpoint, I'd probably recommend portable, but FES looks much nicer, which mattered to me since I was emulating it regardless.
>catherine full body
For atlus, they have been getting away with it since this game, so I guess so, yeah.

you sound like you like naoto

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The one that let's you prey on shotas

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P5 is actually the only game that did this. FES was cheaper than P3, P4G was the same but was still less than full price of average games ($60), P3P was also cheaper than original P3 but more expensive than FES. P5 is so far the only one to retail at $60, both versions.

>shinji doesnt die in p3p if you do his confidant
the absolute fucking gall of people who recommend this trash over fes

Is there any advantage to Vanilla over FES? I guess the intro's better, although I think Burn My Dread's still playable (unless I'm getting confused with Portable)

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Nah, Chie the loveable meathead was more my speed in 4.
Went with Yukari in 3 because her opening animated scene was pretty hot.

oh so you're an even bigger faggot than people who play as femc

There are mods to make it look better than FES, still without the frer roaming places though but I always disliked having to run slowly to interact with everything in every part to make most of every day. It felt like everything was like a broken doors in Silent Hill.

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Burn My Dread intro plays if you wait at the title for just a little bit

P4Golden made me hate Chie. They just turned her into a complete retard who revovles around meat.
shit taste


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