Blocks your BFG shot

>blocks your BFG shot
>blocks your Crucible
Why is this allowed?

How does this make sense from a lore standpoint?

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becuz hes ur equal

>has three attacks in which he can stay involnerable
>does the one that forces him out of it
He's cannonically retarded.


his shield blocks your bfg, it's possible to hit him with the blast but you its bordering on impossible. I've done it once by sheer accident when just trying to clear the room of trash mobs

git gut retard

i don't understand how a mechanic that goes against the core game design is suddenly a good thing, everyone fucking hates shit that ruins momentum in sonic games, everyone hates forced stealth segments in action games, fuck people even complain about the slowdown goo in this game that fucks up all momentum- but a enemy that isn't a typical arena shooter target is suddenly a great inclusion on the sole fact that it gives them some vague sense of supirority. would this character be as defended if instead of being fightable it was a forced stealth mechanic that made you stop fighting ANYTHING for a solid few minutes while you SLOWLY sneak around it, completely sucking the speed out of the game and removing any gunplay?
a good enemy is one that works with the game mechanics and a bad one is one that functions in pure spite of them.
he is piss-easy to actually fight but it goes against every single core concept of a DOOM game and the entire genre of fast-paced shooters

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his axe and shield are made of the same material that the crucible is so naturally he'd be able to block it. kinda like how a knight could block a sword with a shield You can't really apply Lightsaber logic to them

I always forget about the slowdown goop because of how little part of the game that is but still... how the fuck did that idea make it into the game?!

This guy gets it

Because your argument that it goes against the game mechanics is wrong.

>every other enemy is designed around going fast, killing quickly and goring the fucker within seconds
>marauder is designed to dash away and wait for an opening that only happens at the exact right distance
seems like its pretty at-ends with everything else

>makes you run from his line of sight to avoid being instaburned
>resurrects dead enemies
why is this allowed?

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he's not bullet proof though, he can be quickly dealt with as long as you rush him or use cover strategically. you don't have to wait for a proper opening as long as you break line of sight frequently

I would have liked some sort of very quick QTE if you hit him with the crucible

He is easy, what's retarded is that a sp game forces you to do mp weapon switches on nightmare.

Do you mean in Eternal? Because for me it's more like
>hides away
>spawns enemies
>makes you stop what you're doing to go find his pussy-ass

One pic for you.

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No you dumb fuck, he is talking about classic archie. He is the real deal.

agree 100%

doesn't he go down in like two ssg-blast though?


if you time it right in the slayer gate, you can instagib him with the bfg right in the beginning

If i want to fight a bloodborn enemy i'll play bloodborn, i don't need that shit in DOOM. That just goes against how the rest of the game is designed, wich is in of itself pretty retarded mind you.

Literally nobody thinks he's fun to fight against.

Ah yes, so he's the lead dev's precious little OC.

>everyone was saying he gets stunned if you hit him during his opening
>in my game he never gets stunned and cleaves you through getting shot but still takes the damage
>vibrates into me while spinning his axe
>everyone says lmao git gud
>later apparently this was a bug and now that its fixed he dies like nothing

what the actual fuck

why dont they make shields for all the demons? they would fuck the doomslayer

user didn't anyone ever tell you?

I seemed to recall him going down fairly easily. He atleast takes damage.

To be fair, it's not something exceptionally new. I always hated seeing a Shambler in Quake because it meant the game was either going to be slowed down to constant peek-fire or doing this extremely finnicky dance around him at a very temperamental range to keep him stuck in the melee animation, and part of the issue was the fact that they pumped his explosives resistance so you couldn't blast him away with rockets.

But yeah, I'd still say the Marauder is worse, because even with all the Shambler's annoyances, you still had more ways to approach the situation, especially since the ineffectiveness of the explosives was balanced out with the utter melting-capability of the Super Nailgun

almost every enemy has at least slightly too much health for your weapons to feel powerfull in quake though.