Did Aerith actually love Cloud back...

Did Aerith actually love Cloud back? Everything suggest that she actually did but died before anything came into fruition. What do you guys think?

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Nah. He was just a substitute Zack

Nothing suggests that

she liked him and was interested because he emulated Zack her first love who was dead. so no she didn't fully loved cloud.

yes at the gold saucer date she said she "wants to meet... you" meaning she knew cloud was hiding his true personality and she wanted to know him more than his Zach persona.

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this is wrong if you see the gold saucer date

When will you fools understand that Cloud is for Tifa ONLY.

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With Tifa?

this part made me think that picking positive choices for Aerith only is the canon route, too bad I ended up with Barret because I was memeing.

God these graphics are shit do boomers really praise this garbage?

aeris starts with 50 romance points compared to 30 for tifa. so yes aeris is the canon best girl

no the date supports what i said. she doesn't love cloud and wants to know him without the zack person like

She literally says she wanted to meet the real him.

crisis core kinda messes that up plus AC gives the idea that she never stopped thinking about zack

exactly, so she didnt love cloud she loved zack

doesn't mean she liked him

before Cloud comes to terms with his real identity, he's a Seph puppet. Aerith is perfect for him because she's about to be rejoined with the life stream with Seph, the real motive force behind Cloud at that point. Seph and Aerith then *do* get together and leave the real perfect matchup of Tifa and Cloud to happen. Also, Cait is a lying sack of poop, why would you ever believe him?

You do known this game is almost 25 years old right user?

Yes she did

But she did?

>id Aerith actually love Cloud back?
She did.

As a friend.

stop projecting user. We know she is your waifu, bust srsly stop trying to change canon. If you where patrician you would ship tifa with zack

Unless the Japanese audio substantively different than the translation, what she says in the remake when she gives cloud the flower implies that yes she did.

She explicitly said she was over Zack in both Og and remake.

CC fags glorify the gary stu, besides Zack hurt Aerith a lot, he was not the right guy for her.

But you wouldnt know cause you are probably an incel.

Sure thing Tifa.

she never even knew the real Cloud

When does she say she doesn't like Zack in the original?

In the original, maybe. Not in the remake.

> boobs at all ages

What a world.

My play through cloud likes Tifa. Even in the final battle when aerith asks if cloud missed her he goes “not really”

Zack is fanfic from horrible game. Fuck head Gary stu and gay fuck failure. Dead as water faggot

To be fair we dont know that yet and the Aerith from the dream seemed to be the Aerith from the og timeline

>When does she say she doesn't like Zack in the original?
Date, and when they meet zack's parents.

I am sorry that you fell for Tabathas fanfic user, but Zack is not good for aerith, it's like pinning for that high school crush that did some bullshit in the end to you. Its toxic.

>When does she say she doesn't like Zack in the original?
Getting over someone isn't the same thing as saying you don't/never liked them.

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Wow, look at you.

there is only one timeline user.

don't forget to post the rest

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I love Zack but Aerith does admit that she moved on.

Educate yourself.

He was in the original fag. CC expanded on his lore. And no he’s not a Gary Stu. He gets his ass wrecked by sephiroth and fails to save Angeal.

Nomura says otherwise.

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this is the face she makes when she sees him raising a sword over her head

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