This shit needs to fucking stop

this shit needs to fucking stop

who the fuck is buying this???

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>who the fuck is buying 76
don't know , don't care. not people i want to be around

>he isn't buying atoms

that guy is

A lot of people.

Seeth as much as you want, but vbucks and fifa coins and all that shit sell tons because it's a successful market

Same with gacha game pulls

>A lot of people.

*a small amount of people with too much time and money

It's actually cheaper to buy Fallout 1st. You get more Atoms monthly for cheaper than buying the same amount of Atoms in a bundle. Plus you get all the other stuff and benefits. Assuming you don't need more than like 2000 a month, which you shouldn't unless you're a huge cosmetic whale.

>It's actually cheaper to buy Fallout 1st.
You know what's cheaper than that.
Not being a fucking Bethesda paypig.

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>defending in-game purchases
Actually kill yourself

You people are paying for things?

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UAE oil barons and their 20 sons borne from their harem of gold digging sex slave women

>unless you're a huge cosmetic whale
kek I wouldn't dare stroll around the wasteland without my pimp gear like some kind of poorfag. Seethe harder.

you are both the gay

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absolute CHAD btfo poor Yas Forumsirgins

It's so stupid though
>too much time
They have all the time to actually grind up up all the atoms but they choose to spend money instead (why would anyone want to spend longer on the game tho)

...but having opinions does.

More to the point: in game purchases are bad for everybody. Paywalling diminishes enjoyment and playability for all players, including the people who buy. When has anyone bought something in-game and not become bored by it withing hours?

I caved and bought the game recently and I'm actually having fun with it, wastelanders greatly improved it. Never going to buy atoms though, that shit is for suckers.


is it better than 4 in terms of roleplay? as in would it make sense for a solo player to get it?

>he keep making 76 threads over and over
are you paid at least?

A tactic for making you think you're not spending as much money as you actually are.

Unless if you're talking about paid cosmetics, if you are then go after a game that makes you pay 10x more for skins such as CS:GO.

Why are all microtransactions DLC on steam now? Is Valve demanding a cut?

Kind of, there's no voice acting and your character has no actual backstory so he could be really whatever you wanted them to be. There's not many people you can talk to right now, wastelanders added some but they're still scarce. Those that are there have much better dialogue tree options than those available in 4, and there's much more skill checks now. Hasn't reached new vegas levels yet, but it's a step in the right direction. Graphics, enemy variety, and environments are much better than 4. If they stay on this route I think this game has a great future.

I did. Got the greenhouse pack and contemporary home pack.

You brought this on yourself. You should have done more when horse armor came along.

Story and roleplay is not there. Character building is though. The card system is actually pretty good.

But exploration is literally 10/10. Great areas, great enemy variety, interesting and fun loot everywhere. I think if you went in blind and just played it you'll enjoy it a lot if you like 3/4 at all.


you only need a few whales to dump cash into it to be successful

It's almost like that's their marketing strategy.


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No one you absolute retards. If you bought it on, even if you returned it, you get a Steam copy for free.
Most of the people playing it on Steam are people who are already playing it.

>cosmetics nobody gives a fuck about but degenerate whales that invest time into this piece of shit