What is it with Jap games and their fucking abysmal pacing? All their games are bloated as fuck...

What is it with Jap games and their fucking abysmal pacing? All their games are bloated as fuck, Persona 5 would be about 35 hours long if it didn't pad it out by making you repeat the same tedious tasks everyday. Same with visual novels, 3/4 of the content is completely unrelated to the plot and just pads the shit out unnecessarily.

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Play a real shin megami tensei game and you won't have this problem. We keep telling you all the time, but you ignore us and insist on eating up shit like this because it's popular. You deserve everything that happens to you.

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It's a Persona problem.
3 tried something different, it did well, and Atlus decided to rehash it for 2 more games without fixing any of the underlying problems.

>nooo reading hard.
>I don't want to have the world or characters expanded
>Let me just beat the game barebones so I can say I did!
Sounds like you're just some ADHD brainlet. I can already see you being unable to enjoy the greatness of Utawarerumono because of all the scenes.

Loved it.

Better than any western garbage

I read Muv Luv Extra, Unlimited + Alternative. Even though Extra was trash, I enjoyed Unlimited and Alternative, so I don't have a problem with lots of reading senpai.

Well you have to understand that Persona is a little bit of a cheap game with lots of dialogue. Not that there's anything wrong with dialogue either, but a lot of it is drab too.

>holds the skip key

Persona games are as long as they need to be in order for you to get all the social links maxed out.

>play game that's blatantly advertised as half social sim
>complains on Yas Forums about it having social sim parts

I don't mind the pacing of P5 outside of the whole "let's explain Palaces in detail for the fifth time this month", and all the text messages are super repetitive.
Just started Nocturne and loving it. Gotta say though, I'm having a rough time getting through the dungeons with any given team. Is there a trick to keeping your party high-MP longer?

I think the original ffvii had good pacing

P4 has much better pacing than 3. The introduction is a bit long, but once you get into the gameplay loop, it doesn't slow down until the end.

Why does Japan have a Persona tax?
The games over there cost like 80-90 bucks for some reason over there

>I'm having a rough time getting through the dungeons with any given team
It'll get easier the deeper you get into it, remember to fuse demons once they stop learning abilities as they just become liabilities after then
>Is there a trick to keeping your party high-MP longer?
Besides traveling back to the healing lady, not really, unless you wanna cheese the chests by waiting for full Kagutsuchi before opening them, and even then MP items aren't guaranteed.

Got halfway through Persona 3 and had to drop it due to its sheer repetitiveness.

There's no world building if you max out all confidants, you just do activities like going to the gym which do nothing with world building and only have to do it in order for the game to pass the time.

the social sim parts suck ass. maybe they should try to make a good game next time.

Going to the gym does shit all for your social links.

What is it with your ADD? Seriously why are gamers so easily bored and unable to just enjoy a story nowadays?

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Persona 1 and 2 have WAY faster intros than 3/4/5 and are overall much better paced.
If anything games have gotten slower, not faster.

going to get into the persona series for the first time. i figure start with V so I can only go uphill?

Most people don't have much free time wihen maxing stats and confidants

>Persona 1 and 2
They're also shit in comparison, especially 1

>try to enjoy a story
>Futaba sleeps for 3 weeks, stopping the story from progressing
There could be 4 hours of paint drying between story beats and you faggots would still cry ADHD when people complain about the pacing.

There is so much you can do in the time the only reason you'd have to complain is if you want to blitz through and ignore everything else. And even then you can just sleep the days away retard

It's not padding, it's just not the game for you. All the things you hate others love, one doesn't play Persona for the dungeon content, especially before 5 where dungeons were just copy/paste corridors with nothing else to them, as bad as P5's Mementos. You play Persona for the mix of everything; VN, day-by-day time management, Dungeonan', and story/character progression.

It's like saying Etrian Odyssey is shit because it has too many floors, or MonHun is shit because 80% of monsters are "padding" to the top-tier monsters with META equipment.

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I don't think you understand what people mean by pacing.

>Literally complain game is bad because too much free time
>>"You can skip it"
>Hurrr you don't know what pacing means
sure thing retard

I don't think you understand why Persona is paced the way it is.

must be a shitty game if it requires you to skip half the content to be enjoyable.