Games with a female main antagonist are automatically good games

Games with a female main antagonist are automatically good games

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Banjo Kazooie

? ok hahaha

but only if you can romance them that is.

>tfw no Ultimecia wife

Any game where your mom is main villain and you play as her son or daughter and have to stop her.

Nicole Horne was great

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That's because women are actually evil

my dick has no moral compass

You can in the sequel.

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Then why does it keep pointing north?

Ultimecia should use her time powers to cuck Rinoa. That would be the first NTR game I would gladly take part in.

Mother Brain


They're pretty great.

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I find it interesting that to this day you still very rarely find cases like Ultimecia where the female villain is a villain until the end and not cheaply redeemed or forgiven in any way.



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That was a really forced and cringy romance, tho.

this art looks like some cheap hentai game, meh

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I liked the song at the end.

That doesn't count as cuckery since Ultimecia is Rinoa herself.

name one game where this is even possible

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I remember a harvest moon game where one of the girls you can marry was like the one trying to destroy the town to make a park or some shit.


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ar tonelico

That's because it is

another one

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>hentai game

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can you fuck her bagina? :D


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