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who cares lol

Literally do not care, we already have Walking Simulator and it's free.

Shit port for awful made movie games

Only plus side this game is gonna have is gonna be the mods that skip all the endless bullshit cutscenes that this stupid retard thought was a good idea.

I don't want this game and I never asked for it.

oh no...

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So what are they going to do about all the endless bullshit that is in between the cutscenes?


>literally a walking sim but with cringe writing and hollywood celeb faggotry

You would have to pay me to play this.

already own it on PS4 and love it

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Don't worry, no one was going to buy it anyway now that the world knows how shit it is

go back to Yas Forums

But... the gameplay between them is some of the worst gameplay in history too. Why would you want to experience those sections either? open the game and the credits roll?

I literally don't care. I won't even pirate it unless someone mods in 2B or CJ.

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Sorry bros, I meant the little endless unskippable cutscenes that play when the odarek come out in BT areas, the monsters, the shower, coming and leaving the saferoom, reading the emails, etc. I don't know if they're used to load in assets, but they get so fucking tedious when the game is as long as it is and youre spending that much time in it. Sorry for not clarifying

You can already turn off the odradek cutscene and skip the other ones with one button, people act like you shower every 5 minutes in this game or something, whatever

we already got it bro

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>You can already turn off the odradek cutscene
Was this patched in? You couldn't on release. You don't shower every 5 minutes, but you do drink monsters very often, you deliver the packages and summon the cars very very often. All that shit gets tedious, and I know you can skip the packages ones, but you'd think after people commented on how fucking egregious the mgs v helicopter ride was, he'd know better. All these little things add up when the game is as long as it is.

what kind of retard makes these console war bait threads?

Sounds like the port is going to be a complete mess to me

You think people would complain about the helli ride if you could skip it with one button? No, they would not, it has been patched in. I dont even care, you are all such little bitches you would get your nipples twisted by something else entirely anyways. Fuck it.

Unironically this.

Is there a big AAA title releasing in June or something or are they struggling with porting it to pc?

based first posts

Oh fuck off you stupid piece of shit virus, I was looking forward to playing it too and now I gotta wait longer, fuck off already

Literally no one wants this, almost any other game is more enjoyable... I played Assassin's Creed Odyssey just after it and god damn was it infinitely more enjoyable

>coronavirus delays game based on world where coronavirus wiped out humanity and only amazon delivery man still works
kojima is way too fucking deep

user, are you one of those people that gets offended by any criticism of a game you like? You seem like you're taking this very personally, like I'm attacking you

I dont like your passive aggresive tone and if I ever met you in person I would kick the shit out of you, faggot

I unironically forgot about it already and now you reminded me again, I still do not care about it unironically.

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>odarek come out in BT areas
They already patched in an ability to skip that.

good to know you do so much shit unironically, might almost think you do everything ironically thanks for clearing that up

Not only are you wrong about my tone, because I was asking genuinely, I also I don't think you would, user. We both know it's easy to type that up, but if we were face to face right now, something tells me this conversation would be going very differently.

Okay tough guy, you better pray we dont run into each other

I'll be on the lookout user, but please, no sneak attacks

That's actually kinda convinient for me.

Got a PS4 for this game. didn't regret it, may replay when it comes to PC. May everyone get to enjoy it.

How will I walk now...

Death Stranding is a curious game.

Yes all the criticism is true.
And yet despite it, or maybe because of it, the game is fucking brilliant.

Its totally understandable that lots of people hate it, it reminds me of how Nier was treated.

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