Wow its fucking nothing

wow its fucking nothing
>csgo with overwatch abilities
>bland graphics
>generic music
>characters look like league of legends rejected concepts
>sound design is awful
>maps are nonsensical and made to be confusing just to be different
and this piece of shit still gets 500k viewers avg on gaming is fucking dead

Attached: Valorant-4-1200x900.jpg (1200x900, 151.15K)

remember when it got 1.5 mil
oh yeah, that was last week

Cause they pay streamers

flavour of the week game is popular

yeah and the retarded monkeys go and watch VOD gameplay to get a chance to play this piece of shit when it came out in 2012, i fucking hate internet

omg! a chink knockoff game is a chink knockoff game, stop the presses!

>bland graphics
This is part of the appeal. What would you prefer it look like?

imagine playing fucking VALORANT when TF2 and QC exist...i am lmaoing

redpill me on QC
is it fun?

less like dogshit preferably, not that i'm ever actually gonna play this garbage. they could not have possibly played it more safely with the art/graphics in this game.

it's fun, kinda jank that it's still in alpha and has no custom maps, but it's definitely fun.

so its like valorant

What appeal?

Attached: Sage.0.jpg (1200x800, 186.76K)

This game will go down the same road as Apex Legends, Becomes big for awhile but eventually dies out with only a moderate playerbase still playing

this game and it's art style honestly looks like it's been made by AI generator and the only command was "made the most boring safest game to not offend anyone"

and it's gonna sell like hot cakes because riot is the greatest video game company at marketing

just because they got big when Dota 2 was garbage doesn't mean their other projects are guaranteed hits, but then again it's retarded tasteless drones we are talking about so anything is possible

Its CS 1.6 with good maps and more than 4 viable weapons at one time.
So yeah, I'm having fun.

Attached: 1568971421543.png (1080x1082, 1.77M)

Something other than generic ass brick walls and wooden crates with a bit of vague Asian architecture and slightly washed out saturation.
The characters have a bunch of sci-fi shit, contemporary outfits with retarded small FUTURE armor plates in random spots on their body. With the exception of that one corner in Bind having a bit of metal on its walls (and wooden crates), why are the four current maps some run down shithole back alleys?

None of them are even logical in their design and layout, not in the real sense nor for gameplay. It's like a fucking random dungeon generator made them. Here, a new Valorant map hot off the presses.

Attached: donjon random dungeon generator.png (651x799, 18.78K)

>An Overwatch clone to replace Overwatch
Replace one dead game with another dead game

thanks for saying waht i wanted to say but im too angry to form a coherent sentence

its only getting viewers because its giving out free shit (which is the game itself), just like overwatch does with its stupid e-league blizzard fun bucks. i'd like to see how high those numbers would be if people were just clocking in to see the game itself

Attached: 098765.jpg (501x625, 160.42K)

What's QC? Obviously not Quake Champions, but idk what else it could be

more style at the very least, it can look sleek and distinct while keeping some level of character to it. even the character designs are boring as shit. its a fantasy/scifi hybrid yet all the characters are boring as fuck humans, is a orc or a robot too much to ask for? so far the cowboy and the robed person are the only stand-out ones

i always enjoy trying these shitty little games whenever they pop up. I don't take them too seriously. I played Realm Royale for like 15 hours when it came out, that BR game with classes. not sure why stuff like this upsets some of you, the masses like generic throwaway trash. Idk much about it (I agree the graphics and characters look lame) but i'll probably try it whenever it opens up

it looks like a chinese f2p game

>gaming is online shooters
ok incel

cause it is?

whats with the gun designs too, they look fucking awful. they look like royalty-free scifi guns. they look like bootleg deus ex guns. like its really generic "ultra future" laser shit, for something thats half fantasy you'd think the guns would be more fantastical, like the weirder CS online guns were, or more brutalist and blocky like the old quake guns are. they just have no fucking style to them at all.

i bought 3 guns and i couldnt tell them apart, even the ADS was same, what the fuck is this shit


Also rootkits.