>Open literally any Twitch channel
>Chat Rules: No bigotry, no rudeness, no mean comments, no bad language, don't offer advice or you'll be banned, don't criticise me or you'll be banned, the mods word is law RESPECT THEM
Why is everyone on this website such a huge pussy?
Open literally any Twitch channel
Other urls found in this thread:
the entire internet is like that
watch my stream
Huge pussy is what people go on there to donate money to
>why yes i do watch mario retard with my Yas Forumsros on indigologans channel
>go to underage normalfag website
>surprised there are underage normalfag rules
ill call it in
Most twitch streamers are so because they couldn’t function properly at a normal job, hence why they try to make a living playing vidya all day
Faggots cant take the bant. Only in online circles I see such faggotry. That and the gay bar I go too. That aside I have had less gay blowjobs than the rules I find in most twitch channels. Other fags constantly call out black and fags for having aids and other shit. Gays hate fags.
>Ask streamer a question
>Get banned
Why the fuck are these streamers so rude?????
>No bigotry
understandable as it would derail the chat into a shitshow but only if theres no double standard aka you also ban the guy spamming trans right
>no rudeness
same thing but can accept it if its cheeky bants
>no mean comments
unless its literally kill yourself who give a shit
>no bad language
fuck that
> don't offer advice or you'll be banned
whoever does that is a huge faggot with a giant fragile ego that cannot accept when he is bad at a part of the game
>don't criticise me or you'll be banned
again huge ego faggot
>the mods word is law RESPECT THEM
sure unless the mod start acting like a power hungry fag and i demote him
Exactly. Social media are turned the internet gay and lame.
Twitch is largely an Amazon run girlfriend simulator for thirsty betas too, so it's unsurprising that it treats you like a cunt. Seeing a hooker is more dignified than watching some twitch thot.
It's just a disclaimer not to go full Yas Forumstard like you're still on Yas Forums.
My only rule is no flooding chat with copypasta
>god why can’t i be annoying and racist in twitch chats! Omg what a bunch of pussies! REEEEEEEE
You sound like an faggot edglord
Please catch carina virus and fuck off
dont act like it's just twitch
I have seen youtubers who always act hard and tough and shit-talk other people constantly but the moment they are even remotely challenged they act like the biggest pussy imaginable
That's on the website itself, isn't it?
>big streamer (10k+ viewer average)
>don't care what people type most of the time
>forced to ban them if they insult blacks or trannies because twitch TOS
>actually hate niggers and trannies
Don't be a hypocrite
I'm pretty sure Twitch treats you like you're Richard Spencer if you don't explicitly moderate racism/sexism out of your chat.
Grow a spine
Those rules are just there to give them plausible deniability when there's TOS breaking shit in the chat to make it seem the streamer isn't cultivating that type of culture.
>lol nuh uh that don't work
...it worked on you, didn't it?
>...it worked on you, didn't it?
No it just made me leave their shitty ass 3 viewer channel.
Don't ask questions.
Just sit down and consume entertainment.
Also pay up in donations otherwise you're a leech.
Because Twitch is for pussies.
He has gout and 3000 stoners to entertain, no time to listen to some faggot.
Twitch will ban a streamer if their chat isn’t moderated as such.
Part of me feels it would be worthwhile to start a streaming service that's as unmoderated as it can be except for shit like CP. Doubt the netcode would be as good as twitch but it'd at least be free from this bullshit overly PC culture.
>go to some site that is focused on making ad revune from sponsors of viewers from a bunch of different shit
>have rules to save face incase hitler1448 drinking your soda starts killing people
Police state thought police
shut the fuck up you literal 10 year old
my chat rules are "freedom of speech by law" but then again I have 0 views, 0 followers 3 year old account.
you know shit's fucked when sasha grey is the only normal person on there
>streamer bans you
>is also mod in 10 other channels
>does an AOE ban and bans you from all there channels to
the ass pain this created
I only ever use twitch to call women mommy and ask for milkies and see how they react if they like it I might stay a while
I kinda want to make a twitch channel where I can just share myself playing vidya while talking with randos online to kill some time. Just taking it easy and having fun with people.
But I'm a girl and I look 12 so there's probably not much interest, even if I did it would just be pedos being creepy.
Maybe someday in the future I'll do it. For now I'll just stick to playing alone I guess.
you just described the perfect stream to get a lot of viewers, twitch is full of 3rd world creeps
>But I'm a girl
Eat shit and die you disgusting whore, fuck off and kill yourself. TEE HEE I'M A GIRL XD GIVE ME ATTENTION. Here's your attention: get raped and die cunt.
>But I'm a girl and I look 12 so there's probably not much interest
There's definitely interest, especially in some of the less-trodden threads on /vg/. Talking from experience based on posts others have made
imagine shilling your shit on Yas Forums
I do not give an ounce of a shit about missing out on your delightful commentary, teen. You bring nothing to the table. You're like a karen in a grocery store getting called out, then threatening to never shop there again. I'm happy to never see you again.
imagine gatekeeping the community on Yas Forums
dunoo if you heard the new system they working on , they wanna make it that if you get banned from one chat , you are banned from all the chats on the site
gatekeeping is a good thing
Clint Stevens never bans anyone and can handle the bants