>doom eternal only got a 4/5 (80/100)
Doom eternal only got a 4/5 (80/100)
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mmhm keep saying it mhh keep saying it leah
keep saying it
keep sayin it
Keep saying it
how can anyone unironically watch his videos when he has that awful voice&accent
Why do we give this nint0ddler the time of day
Shut up
Mr. Comedian
>being this mad that he married a qt while you're single and alone
keep saying it
>TFW I absolutely agree with him that there should have been an enemy like the Maykr Drones throughout the game to avoid having to constantly glory kill and chainsaw throughout the game
____ ______ __
the music sucked compared to 2016 and the icon of sin battle was worse than doom 2 icon of sin
I have genuielly fucked hotter women.
Keep saying it
keep sayin it
Sure you have, shrimp dick
Keep saying it
>living vicariously through e-celebs
keep saying it
More like kneel, dead meme.
only the tretrarchy shall be allowed
Wow, I wonder what you look like.
continue uttering thus
Keep saying it
>literally who e-celeb
>furfag avatar
>Yas Forums sucks his dick
Spoonfeed me on this keep saying it shit. What'd Dunkey do?
Keep saying it
>He doesn't recognize the Dopefish
And people listen to this guy?
>Keep saying it
Explain this