A ragtag group of cursed fugitives avoid the local military police as they fight to save their loved ones...

>A ragtag group of cursed fugitives avoid the local military police as they fight to save their loved ones, who have been trapped inside of crystals by the gods.

Why do brainlets have such a hard time understanding such a simple story?

Attached: most underrated ff.jpg (1680x1050, 1.3M)

>guardian corps
>the fifth ark
>pompa sancta
>the undying
>war of transgression
me putting these in a list and telling you to figure out what they are without aid is a step above what the story does.

Who was the best villain?

Attached: E20904F7-9936-4AA2-99B7-955B2408E792.jpg (960x540, 69.39K)

And the worst part of all the name/termdropping that XIII does? It does nothing interesting with most of them, the game just drops mentions of stuff that really has no importance for the main story or characters. It hurts me to even think about how shallow and empty the game is with its story and themes, it gives you no reason to care about anything at all when you just spend 98% of time bashing monsters in some visually beautiful but conpletely linear gutters.

Answered in one post

Read the codex brainlet

seriously user

So brainlets get filtered by fantasy vocabulary? I played through the game stoned out of my mind and nothing on that list was confusing.

The last like 8 items on your list aren't even really relevant to the plot, that would be like complaining that FF7 has the Turks, yet there's no Turkey.

still jizzing to vanille

>what they are without aid is a step above what the story does.
answer this

The problem with the story is not the terms, is a brainlet who didn't pay attention.

The problems are the pacing, the dialogue, the hyperfocus on the main party at the expense of the side characters and rest of the world, the lack of underlying motivations beyond "we need to run away!", the way the villain transparently manipulates the protagonists yet they still go along with it, and the asspull ending. And that's just off the top of my head.

Me toothe Bailey Jay cosplay
Tell me about the terms without googling

The problem is not understanding the concepts, the problem is that the game constantly mentions locales, groups etc. without giving you any reason to care about it all. Seriously, for a ~40-50 hour long game, it spends amazingly little time doing any world building besides basic exposition.

no people got filtered by hope, the obfuscation of a simple plot by indulging in syllables made it easier.

The game is incredibly clear that fa'Cie are godfs, l'Cie are cursed humans, and Cieth are what the curse turns them into. Cocoon is the giant machine colony everyone lives in, Pulse is the scary natural world below.

That's all you really need to know to understand the story.

Not just empty and shallow but it's so fucking pretentious too. It acts like all this dumb shit is super meaningful and epic because they gave everything a stupid name. I've never experienced a game so full of itself. I hated every minute of this game. It's so shit but acts like it's so good. It's insufferable.

Literal brainlet

Stop spamming this thread faggot.

Figures a pothead sack of shit would miss the point and play devil's advocate for one of the worst games in the series.
It's not the vocabulary, it's the fact that they just mention these things without any real connection to what's happening.
>This is Cocoon
Cool, it's very green. Is it just a city or what?
>This is Pulse, there's Cocoon in the sky
Neat, Cocoon's like a man-made hollow earth or something. Who built it?
>No time for that, move to the objective marker or read the codex faggot

You shouldn't tell your fucking story through a goddamn glossary.

user, I now that, but all that name dropping just confuses people that don't get one and they just drop another. Most people get the gist, but all that lore is lost because it's pretty fucking contrived for the sake of jap weirdness and it's really not well done, even worse, not necessary.

Pulse is the giant world underneath Cocoon, the game makes that fucking obvious.
Crystallis to my knowledge doesn't mean anything to FFXIII, it's just part of "Fabula Nova Crystallis" which was supposed to be this big Square-Enix project but most of the games involved either turned into their own separate entries or were scrapped.
Cocoon is obvious just like Pulse, it's the artificial moon thing that most of the party lives on.
PsiCom is the evil enemy government force thing.
Sanctum is the government I think.
Eden is Cocoon's capital.
Fal'Cie are machine gods that run Cocoon
l'Cie are magic-wielding humans that are chosen by the fal'Cie to carry out a goal
Brands are like magic tattoos that l'Cie get from the fal'Cie
Cie'th are zombies, l'Cie turn into them if they don't complete their goal in time. I think this is explained in like the first two hours.
The maker is the creator god.
Eidolons are summons, not even the first FF to call summons eidolons.
Stasis is just stasis? As in suspended/frozen. Not sure why that needs explaining.
Guardian corps is another military force on Cocoon that Lightning belonged to
I forget what the arks do but the party literally explores one and I'm 99% sure it's explained at the time, I think they had something to do with the Pulse/Cocoon war.
I forget what Pompa Sancta is
The undying is just a random title
War of Transgression was I think the war between Pulse and Cocoon

>Cool, it's very green. Is it just a city or what?
The game is very clear about what cocoon is: an authoritarian city state where all humans are believed to live. They claim the world outside is nothing but monsters.

>Neat, Cocoon's like a man-made hollow earth or something. Who built it?
Why is this a prerequisite to enjoying the story? I don't know who founded Albuquerque, but I still enjoy the story of Breaking Bad.

>You shouldn't tell your fucking story through a goddamn glossary.
But the story is told about cutscenes. It's about a ragtag group of fugitives fighting the military to save their loved ones who are trapped inside of crystals.

What really gets me is how disconnected all the locations feel from each other. For example, take the first part of the game where you’re on the run in Cocoon: the game just drops you in random locales where you bash monsters and then at the end of the gutter you bash a bigger boss monster, then it jumps to an another group of main characters and that’s it. You have all those places like that weird cyber forest and the waterscape that don’t feel like proper locations, just dungeons filled with monsters just because.

The best way to see how the game sucks is to draw a mind chart of the plot and what characters are doing. The older FF games usually have a rather long chain of shit going on, like
>graduate as SEED by doing final tests -> get assigned to a special mission to assassinate the president -> travel to Timber to meet with resistance -> fail -> see how the sorceress assassinates the president and becomes the main threat etc. and that’s just disc one

FF XIII? After the initial part where Lightning and others try to save their close ones, it just becomes a rat race where they run and get pushed forward by Barthandelus with no proper agency on themselves. It’s not an automatically doomed theme for a story, but it’s executed so fucking badly.

>Most people get the gist, but all that lore is lost because it's pretty fucking contrived for the sake of jap weirdness
I just played the Witcher 3, and it's full of its own esoteric lore terms that don't exist outside that game. Same thing with Fallout, constantly talking about pipboys and ghouls and shit

Why does FFXIII get singled out for doing something all RPGs do.

This opie isn't me.

The Final Fantasy fanbase is full of brainlets.

Either you're not really sure and just simplified it a a lot or all that lore is really shitty that barely goes anywhere and aggregates nothing for story or world building just being contrived bullshit. Well I give you that at least you got the gist of too.

Nice moving the goalposts brainlet.
I haven't touched the game in YEARS but stuff like fal'Cie, l'Cie, and Cie'th are super fucking obvious. The idea that they're "confusing" and you absolutely have to use the datalogs is a meme.

Witcher and Fallout allow for you to interact with the world enough so that you get interested in their lore, FFXIII doesn’t. When nothing outside your own party gets barely any screen time or proper world building besides in-game lore encyclopedia texts, why care for all that?

Probably because they are explained in game either verbally or through context and you don't need a wiki to understand their purpose.

Maybe those are just better. This lore, specially knowing all that Fabula Nova Cristalis should've been, really didin't serve much. Maybe it's just me that don't remember, but does XIII lore even really matter for 13-2 and Lightning Returns? Or they just kind leave there as background references and make each game own lore and story?

people don't need context to albuquerque because it's something real and relatable, assumptions don't need to be but fantasy worlds thrive from description. It's the reason why fantasy writers like tolkien and fatmartin have pages with description, context is needed for a emotional connection. The problem isn't that the terms are misunderstood or that they aren't needed because terms for those things exist already, it's that that they do almost nothing for the story except be plot contrivances.

The lore in XIII is completely dropped for it's sequels. Actually each game barely has anything to do with each other.

>explained in game either verbally or through context
So like in FFXIII?
Saying that FFXIII's world is underexplored is certainly a valid complaint, but you don't need to touch the datalogs to understand the plot-important terms.

No not like FFXIII.

This is your last you.

Dark souls did it and there’s never ending praise about the series. But no, it’s a FF game so it has to live up to impossible standards.

This really comes down to the fact that I actually played the game at one point and you're just spouting memes.
>I-I'm not gonna reply anymore!