>Western game
>All the women are used goods/proud sluts
Western game
>is a faggot
Women hit the wall at 20, prove me wrong.
A woman who isn't a virgin and is unmarried is literally worthless trash
You're wrong.
They hit the wall at 16. Peak is 12.
>eastern game
>all the woman dress like hookers with a smallest scraps of cloth but are all naive prudes
absolutely based
But so are manwhores
So just like real life then?
Men are allowed to sleep around until they're married, women aren't. Yes, it's a double standard. So what, men and women are different. A man sleeping around doesn't affect his loyalty when he decides to commit to a woman, however every man a woman sleeps with increases the chance of her whoring around during marriage. Nature agrees, it's why men can cum 10 times a day but women can only get pregnant once every 9 months.
The world is full of trashy whore women for men to fuck, the only women worth marrying are the ones who aren't whores.
Who gives this much of a shit about virtual vaginas lmao bro
Um no sweety there's no biological differences between man and woman
Whores, even fictional ones, disgust me.
As they should any real man. Whores are never worthy of anything but being spit on.
Both of these.
Wholesome lifelong relationships between 2 virgins or bust.
Here's the good ones
>user claimed this post was a joke
>using Akko for your east v. west shitposting
Doesn't that describe almost half of the love interests in Persona 5?
No, I'm serious. And if the FBI is reading this then blow me you glow in the dark nigger, cunny 4 life.
>tfw drank too much of the sauce and refuse to accept anything less than the perfect relationship where we complete each other and lose our virginity together
>tfw nearly 30 and single
anyone wanna see any tricks? I've gotta study up.
no lmao
I think a decent amount of people said the same thing underneath that tweet
>Normalise being a cuck and dating a whore
yeah, ur mom
is probably a joke but yes
That's a pretty roundabout way of saying western games are more realistic but ok
How is it scientifically possible for one man to be this based?
I play games partly to escape the horrors of reality, not be hounded by them.
This is why Western games have been worthless dogshit for the past 20 years.
>western game
>all the women are whores just like in western countries
>eastern game
>all the women are wife material just like in eastern countries
Aren't nip games also filled with sluts nowdays?