MGS2 might be the most disappointing game I've ever played

MGS2 might be the most disappointing game I've ever played.

The games plant levels feel uninspired and the only part of plant that is enjoyable is when you're inside arsenal gear and the game begins to shit itself and the curtain falls.

The post-modern idealism in this game makes me roll my eyes, it's extremely pretentious, and it's ideas are not revolutionary in the slightest.

The controls are pretty shit, and the camera angles actively work against you in a lot of cases, the plant levels aren't interactive in the slightest, and for a majority of the game the codec conversations are boring and give little to no important information, even the main cast of villains feel so B-grade compared to the ones in the first game.

Raiden as a character is intended to be a representation of the player. That's right, it's supposed to be an insult, Raiden is extremely whiny, and has no place, however the meta of this is that that's the whole point of the game, however him being a shit character on purpose doesn't save him from being disliked.

Fuck this game.

Attached: MGS2RaidenPP.png (794x696, 235.88K)

To add another thing, MGS2 is the Modern art of video games, in that it's bad on purpose, it's thoughtless essentially, it's supposed to be bad.

Well here's a surprise for you, being shit on purpose still makes it shit Kojima.

Attached: Trapezos.png (256x256, 41.35K)

and even with all of that, its still the best MGS

If the entire game with anything like the Tanker chapter or Arsenal gear, and the writing was as consistently interesting as the codec conversations with the AI, it would be mind, it's 8 parts shit, 1 part diamond, and 1 part gold.

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Think you're being dramatic on purpose. The game was fine and the only real issue I had with it was how the other half of the plant was not accessible.

I personally feel like they could have done more with the game.

It's disappointing that you feel that way, but you're not the first. I hope you'll revisit it, or try the VR missions, and realize how well designed the game is.

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Don't know why you’re complaining about the gameplay when it’s a straight upgrade to the first game, really it’s the best gameplay from the classic games without 3’s gimmicks and shit nature environments

I personally prefer 3's camera better, plus 3 has way more replay ability and content, the environments in 3 are more diverse and enjoyable in my opinion.

Attached: bnOJtOr.gif (200x233, 80.52K)

Too late, its already recognized as masterpiece. You should have more luck with MGSV

The only game I sold back, ever.
>This shit gameplay
Just why?

3 was shit, boring story, boring characters and setting.

Making a sequel should have been as simple as Sonic 2.
>improve. everything

MGS2 could have done that, adding Raiden as a sidekick. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, we got some shitty hackjob plot with the ultimate copout of all time, meta commentary.

I have never finished 2, I got bored.
Thought MGS1 was a masterpiece.

Codec Team / Tapes: 1 = 3 > V > 2 > 4

Setting: 1 > 3 > 4 > V > 2

Characters: 3 > 1 > 2 > 4 > V

Narrative: 2 > 3 > 1 > V = 4

Themes: 2 > 1 > 3 > V > 4

Bosses (Game Design): 3 > 1 > 2 = 4 > V

Kinesthetics: V > 4 > 3 = 2 > 1

Attached: 261.jpg (640x480, 284.94K)

You're absolutely right. MGS and MGS 3 are the only good games in the series.

Forgot Level/Area Design

3 > 1 = 2 > 4 > V

>V that low in almost every category
a shit list no doubt

V is absolute dogshit

could you not reply to me pleb? you stink like horseshit

MGS2 is one of the greatest and mind blowing pieces of art in gaming industry.


Should've just posted "I'm a snake eater babby" in the OP so no one would've wasted their time responding to your shit thread.

based, op just got filtered like a fag

Any anons still have the list of similarities between 2 and V? I lost a whole hard drive of stuff.

I think you might be gay

>it's ideas are not revolutionary in the slightest.
Tell me some games with revolutionary ideas

dude youtube man said that MGS2 is KINO xD and PROFOUND bro it's like the EVANGELION of video games it's art bro, I bet you haven't even heard of it, I only play obscure CINEMATIC video games, such as Majora's Mask,,, heh, bet you haven't even heard of that one

I too am cynical and jaded

>guy who shits on MGS3, one of the most FUN video games that show that games can be art without immitating movies or being pretentious, calls someone jaded

When did I shit on MGS3?

sneedling Samefag, typical grottenkeeper behavior, bewindle, thou swine

oh cry me a river