What's the con/v/ensus

What's the con/v/ensus

Attached: Marvels-Spider-Man-Game-of-the-Year-Edition.jpg (768x768, 66.77K)

I would say that its good but no William Dafoe Green Goblin so its literally the worst game ever

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Man, that movie really had everything going against it.

This isn't reddit, form your own opinion

better than everything else that came out that year thats for sure.

What are you talking about.

Weird casting
Boring stunts
Danny elfman
Nazi director

But to be fair amazing Spider-Man was surprisingly worse.

>Nazi director

>This isn't reddit

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>please tell me what to think


I honestly thought it was really good. Some of the side content gets a bit old and I didn't like how many Lois Lane/Miles stealth segments there were, but other than that I didn't have any complaints.

Shit gameplay.
It could have been GOAT but the combat and bosses were just fucking awful. Felt like I was playing reviewer bait.

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The combat was fun.

Although I’ll concede that it was very slow.

The only game that's nailed spider-man combat is Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. That's hard to recreate in 3D, I'll grant you, but this game's combat was just too dumbed down.

Ugh. You’re one of those guys.

It's fun for the first hour or so, then you realise how basic it is. A little while after that you'll probably realise how easy it is to completely break the combat too.

There are one or two jokes in Raimi's Spider Man movies which you couldn't/wouldn't do anymore today (I forgot them, so nothing sooo special about them). Yas Forums memed them, Raimi is the anti sjw etc. and reddit took over.

>With white power comes white responsibility
how the fuck did he get away with it


I can't tell which one is worse, Yas Forums or reddit.

tv posts cunny so reddit

Kill yourself.

sup reddit?

I'm gonna buy it too

Who the fuck is Lois lane?

>swinging is fun
>combat is decent if you maintain variety
>bosses are awesome

>MJ being a bitch
>Stealth missions
>main bosses come at the end of game

>Lois Lane

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Boring. Can't force myself to beat it

its ok user I got the joke

check it out, the resident lonely sonyroach is making his daily shit thread

so i just beat the first meathead boss and now the game is saying to find the distress call but i've hit the R3 button to search for it and I can't find it?