Animal Crossing New Horizons

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Other urls found in this thread:

>couldn't find a villager in time from the mystery islands
>now Sparro is moving in
He's okay, I guess...


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anons please i need to sell

thoughts on my gf?

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Is lucky golden cat a sought after recipe? Ankha is making them right now

She looks like a muddy footprint.

lol you guys broke my server (again)

But I'm re-opening the town of Grumbleton

prices are 475

-would like a spino skull or diplo skull if you have extra but no tipping necessary

Code: JNT6W

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It's nice looking but I still need a Lucky Cat to even make it.

>harvesting is going to be added soon

Please let it be like harvest moon

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Also I'm the guy (Jake) wearing the halo and comedian's outfit

anyone got the crown at their ables?


God damn.

damn with a mouth like that every blowjob must feel like vaginal

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Yes, so you'll be swarmed probably. What you also need is a regular lucky cat which I dont have unfortunately

476 Turnips
Round 6. Gates open. No entry fee, but any kind anons who want to give me rusted parts for my dream robot hero project are appreciated. I'll close the gate after 4 or so guests.

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Reminder that Yas Forums thought a man ass cheeks were some milkers

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I got that skull bro just let me in

shes a whore, i bet if you went down on her right now it would be like pulling apart a grilled cheese sandwich

outlandishly rude

I almost drop my nuggets for you, what happen if i did when the servers went down? Would that be a lost for me and a gain for you?

Bro she just visited by island today, you need to have a talk with her.

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wut? it's not full though...

if it was manass it was still a pretty fat one so i'm still straight.
its not gay if it has a nice ass, thats a fact.

Imagine being that user and thinking we didn't know.
Its current year, we'll fuck a man in the ass.

*redditors on Yas Forums

>he shaves his ass

I think it'd go back into your pockets

what's your name dude?

Good thing I like man ass too.

>Put the dress on, user, I want you to look pretty

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Thanks to all the kind tips so far. you guys rule. Gonna be AFK.

Turnips are 399.

Tips are appreciated.

Code is 354HD.

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Watched part of a meteor shower on user's island last night.
This morning on my beaches I found 8 star fragments, 4 large star fragments, and 0 taurus fragments.
This shit is pretty random.

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I would but

>Japanese town
Eh, I'm a weaboo faggot.
Also Japanese towns are nice to recreate because a lot of stuff translates well just from being a small/condensed country; being close distance, but still having a bit of a "natural" side to things.

I've got a few rusted parts for you as soon as I can get through

Thanks for hosting dude! I'm mrfrooby with the gas mask

If i ever get in I have 3 i can give you

Bi, buddy.
We play for both teams and are loyal to no one.

im going to kill myself

>i fuck man ass?

i hope the game gets some QOL improvments in the coming updates
crafting from inventory and condensing some of the menus down so i don't have to click through five fucking textboxes would be a really nice starting point

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I can craft the dresser if you want, just provide the materials.

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Maple is making a peach surprise box at the back of the island. Able Sisters have a few things like the ruffled dresses, gothic headdress and imp hoods.
If anyone has white roses or white cosmos, I'd love just one of each.

Better than a making an island with a bunch of meme shit.



new code: 2BQ1J

Just give me bulk crafting/crafting from storage and I'll be pretty happy. There's other stuff as well but that's the one that annoys me the most, since I pretty avoid bait altogether despite it being really helpfull to have

What you need for that gong tho

What is happening. I was already at the keyboard but it says it's full.

damn those look sleek.
what are the customization options? i can't seem to find any of the actual recipes

6 Iron
5 Wood

it can't be full! I just opened again!

I've no idea mate.

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Got wuh-oh'd

Kabuki is handing out ironwood table DIYs
Bottom left side of island
Nook's is closed
Ables have small Crown
Nothing interesting going on besides that
Will close after a few people.


>destination locale full

Well if you can cook up one of those for me that'd be dope. You asking for anything?

Yeah i've had nights where I wish on 200 stars, nights where I wish on 20, and nights where I wish on 10, and I feel like the returns are pretty random/diminishing.

I've seen this talked about a lot, are they rare?

Saharah is here selling cloud flooring, if anyone still interested. Royal crown in the shop, roses and lilies in the cranny

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How is nook closed but able open

theres literally only two people here

The reason why people keep making japanese towns is cause thats all the shit that's mostly avaliable. Where the fuck is all the medieval stuff? Or the space shit? Rome? Fucking no where to be found.

What have people been talking about the whole day aside from the update?

Do you idiots know how to close your gates?
Talk to the dodos

Not sure about rare but people like them a lot.

Still open?

Can you set a limit? Or did you close gates?

Anyone actually met any cute girls here?

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i didn't do anything

Only need two more fossils:
Stego torso
Archelon tail
At the moment i have:
Diplo tail tip
Spino torso
T.Rex skull
Ptera body


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I'm sorry I thought you meant time I'm retarded

I'm still trucking along with 423 turnip prices for those who are interested! Escape from wuh-oh hell and embrace the queue!

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>on Yas Forums

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Post your pictures of Isabelle drunk!

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Guess who's about to waste 100,000 bells?

If you can craft any decent workbenches, I'd love one, I can only make simple and mini DIY workbenches. If not its still fine just bring the materials you need
If you want to come to me, code is CCTD5
Celeste is here too