>Games are getting more and more expensive
>Building a PC is expensive as fuck
>Corona ruining our economies
>Switch is over $500 and games over $90
>Lack of game development industry
Why is it so hard to be a gamer here?
>Games are getting more and more expensive
>Building a PC is expensive as fuck
>Corona ruining our economies
>Switch is over $500 and games over $90
>Lack of game development industry
Why is it so hard to be a gamer here?
played CS with a dude from chile for a while, he was cool but your continent deserves what it gets because of brazil
>build budget toaster PC
>own a hacked 3DS
>HDD grinding like there's sand in it
>don't have a spare OS boot disc if it dies
living on the edge
Just waiting for my BRos to take over this shitty thread.
I had a 50% chance of being born in brazil
Thank fucking god
Still brazilian niggers are my bros despite all the huehues
Shut up.
Bought Spiderman, final fantasy 7 r, Persona 5 royal and disaster report 4 all this month alone on ps4.
Gonna buy trials of mana day one too. It ain't hard to stop being poor, just work nigger.
Is there a better console than a Hacked 3DS?
Mexican here, I am enjoying VII remake and have over 200 games on my backlog
South America is fucked when it comes to gaming, Mexico is the top vidya consumer in Latin America
There truly isn't, shit is basically 3 consoles in one.
I'm absolutely fine with you lot being removed from the picture. All you guys do is ruin it for other people with laggy as fuck matches.
I'm not your bro, retard.
How are you guys coping with un-cracked RE3?
Mexican here
Gonna get it eventually, I have over 50 games that I must finish on my Switch
>buying games
The dollar is near to 1,000 clp
>it's the buyfag Mexican autist again
Dollar is 24 MXN here
a hacked switch and a hacked ps3
honorable mention, a hacked wii
I hacked my 3DS
I was going to play DQ VIII uncensored with orchestra audio but got bored and decided to play Modern Warfare
Suck a dick nigger.
*Makes one of the best Racing SIMs available*
Nothing personell first*ids.
>tfw replaying the sekiro i got in mercadolibre 3 months after release for $25 because the first owner got filtered for the 27th time
Let's make our bets, BRos. How high is the dollar getting until the end of the year? I bet it's not going past 10 R$.
Chile here, vidya prices had gone up so much, i miss the golden days
colombia here
>tfw want the ace combat 7 dlcs so bad
>tfw can't justify paying $12 for 3 planes and 3 levels now that dollar is like 30% higher
No one cars about your failing shithole, monkey.
vai jogar pathologic 2 rapaz
I can't talk about Brazil in a Latin American thread? Just look at the OP picture and kill yourself, you little agitated mongoloid.
Don't talk shit to my countrymen, nigger.
>BR posters loves to shit on other LatinAmericans and calls themselves "not LatinAmericans"
>wants to post of LatAm thread anyway
This is why you monkeys have the worst rates in the continent, you people are just a bunch of low IQ subhumans who are live in worse conditions than African countries.
get a real fucking job niggers
Why does the Argentine think he's white?
Most likely they are
>>BR posters loves to shit on other LatinAmericans and calls themselves "not LatinAmericans"
>>wants to post of LatAm thread anyway
Also yes. What are you gonna do about it?
You're the one stirring up shit. I'm not particularly fond of shitting on random countries, thank you. I just wanted to wallow in the collective depression that this (economic depression) will leave us.
Looks like Sony isn't attending Brazil Game Show
They're pulling out from several conventions for two years straight.
God I hate spanish on my stuff! This is why I only get games on steam nowadays.
That explain their large noses
wait so hitler went into hiding amougst a bunch of jews. comical