How do we fix the horror genre?

How do we fix the horror genre?

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I couldn’t watch more than 3 minutes of this.

What's it about?

it's some Middle Easterner's version of South Park

Yas Forums is convinced its some deeper thing, because of the red balloon symbolism

Why the fuck do you keep shilling your shitty channel here? Go to Yas Forums or Yas Forums faggot, you've been at this for days now, no one cares about your low rate south park cartoon.

I watched this, the Russian lipsync is a lot better than the English version. It's clearly a Russian show, and the second episode's already out in Russian. For some reason, though, the russian versions have sub-100 views.

More psychological horrors

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because it really is just a bad attempt at south park

there's nothing of any value, the only thing that gives it any staying power is the /x/-tier retards on Yas Forums

what happens here?

Its just someone pretending to be be deep when really its just pointless weirdness

Unironically shorter games.
If you're playing a game for the scary atmosphere and fear of the unknown then your ideal game-time window will be around 4-10 hours depending on the genre.
The problem with a horror game is that you eventually figure out all the mechanics and enemy behavioral patterns and with enough time what once had you on edge has become just a grim push to the finish line as you trip over obnoxious monster closets and ammo wasters.

Also any game that forces you to solve a puzzle while an invincible enemy is wandering around the area is automatically shit.

Well, I guess I'm more curious about the fact that it was dubbed in general. Who dubbed it and why? And why advertise the dubbed version on Yas Forums(nel)?

I actually don't know. It doesn't seem to follow any narrative structure
>girl goes to store
>gets hit in the eye with a brick
>goes to hospital where the doctor smokes and goofs off
>he finishes and she thanks him, oblivious to her mangled eyeball
>throws a party at home and invites her 3 friends (buff black guy, fat white guy, skanky hispanic chick)
>they don't react to her eye
>they eat a roast chicken, but the fat guy calls it fried chicken
>party ends and evergone goes home, except the fat guy who goes into a tent on her front lawn
>he tells himself that someday he'll have her
And that's it. It feels uncanny, like an alien species trying to imitate South Park but misunderstanding it

>Why advertise on 4channel?

A captive audience made up on bored middle-aged white kids, the exact demographic of South Park.

>episode 2 still isn't dubbed
why the fuck not?

Any good VR horror games yet?

>>they eat a roast chicken, but the fat guy calls it fried chicken
Why is that something you even noticed?

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White people instinctively recognize bland unseasoned food.

Please to be watching cartoon, comrades. If you no click, Papa Putin is to be sending me and entire family to gulag.

There's barely any dialogue. It's hard not to notice. My theory is that Matt and Trey want to shorten their 6 day formula down to 6 hours, and this is their first attempt. Honestly, compared to the orange man season, it's not that bad.

AI has reached the point where it can procedurally generate animations like this.

How long do I have to wait to have an AI made to perfectly replicate the girl I love?

Mediocre south park clone that people for some reason think has appeal

OP you just try to hold your poke for a few minutes

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Link to russian ep 2?

Half Life Alyx

Pretty much. As far as I can tell it's some scumball Russian trying to get YouTube animator dollars. He bought an ad from the company that does the 4channel ads to try to get his badly done english dub some views.

I suspect he tried shilling his stuff in Yas Forums and was mocked for it.

Body horror in otherwise entirely benign circumstances. Final Destination kind of deal, but less retarded and more long term trauma from surviving freakish accidents. Burning, mauling, necrotizing infection, viral infection, brain eating amoeba, early onset alzheimer's, brain damage from oxygen deprivation while drowning, etc. The shit that's actually horrifying and can impact anyone equally, not sp00ky fantasy shit.

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I said sub-100 views, but now it's almost up to 1000, so my bad.

People think it has appeal because it was advertised here for like a week

unironically made me use an adblocker

get your shit together hiroshima

Fuck that ad

Four typical people are actually serial killers and try to do normal things together. That's it, really.

The only game ever close to being a perfect horror game was Harvester, and even then it fucked it up in the last half with all the combat and shit. A horror game should not set out only to frighten, but to make the player feel constantly uneasy and even disturbed in some bits.

I thought it would be worse. Russian dub >>>>>>>>>>>> English dub

You forgot the part where she crawls out of the sewer in the beginning, which is strangely guarded by cops

I just don't get how that could be the final product. It's got the weirdest structure I've seen since the leaked Hellbender's pilot, but at least that was deliberate

It's like 3 minutes long

I thought body horror was mutants and freak operations kind of stuff. I thought final destination was just ultra gory.

try addblock

Felt like an hour long though