>He's getting above 60 fps?
>Activate ray tracing, dump eet
Crysis Remaster
I am here to Coom
When crysis got ported on consoles, they altered the suit abilities for controller usage.
>not 50
I guess someone didn't play Crysis.
they did? That's pretty stupid considering you can play Crysis on pc with a controller and it actually plays pretty good.
they already were in the wheel
Is Crysis even good enough to warrant a remaster?
There was nothing special about it other than "omg grafics!!1"
If Crysis 4 isn't a PC exclusive powerhouse that looks like this on medium setting and fucking chugs even with twin 2080 ti's (on medium) Crytek is full of shit.
>We're going on consoles?
>Activate fog, blur, brown and bloom
The majority of shooters are that exact same thing you just described and they get remasters anyway.
Do we really need a remake of this interactive wallpaper
holy shit. it actually looks better on consoles? wtf? PC bros...tell me this isn't real.
>this meme again
play crysis then come back, it's a pretty decent shooter
>looks better
zoom zoom
You mean the wheel to choose your abbility?
It was dumped down/removed for consoles IIRC.
Like you get maximum speed if you press the running button.
Can anyone beat crytek when it comes to digital foliage?
I don't know if i should elaborate since this thread may just die, but to explain further as to why this is bad.
The neat things about changing your ability/suit mode was the side effects. Like being in maximum speed mode gives you quicker reload animations, faster melee, faster base speed, faster climbing of ladders etc.
Same goes for strength where you had no recoil when you shot your rifle for example.
They removed this all together in the failure called Crysis 2. There you only held down a button to perform super jump or super punch, super speed etc.
You could no longer stay in your preferred armor mode. Only cloak and armor were modes you could enter, manually.
Here i should add that maximum armor was better implemented than in original crysis 1 where that was kind of your standard mode.
They went out of their way to alter crysis 1 ports to be more like the shit crysis 2 where you can no longer manually go in a mode.
I pretty much implied I have played it. I guess that went over your head.
Maybe you should stop jumping on devs dicks to defend every half assed game made.
who is he talking too?
>Crytek downgraded the graphics of hunt: showdown on release most likely to pander to consoletards
>Yas Forums still thinks this will look good
Crysis 1 and Warhead are overrated. 2 and 3 are better and the way armor works in them is much better
Your PC
I disagree. I hate that there were no vehicles in 2 and 3. Fisting jeeps was absolute soul
I only got into crysis with the console ports, and didn't play OG crysis until years later. I don't understand why the console couldn't have kept the radial menu. Hold a bumper to bring up the menu, flick the aiming stick up, down, left, or right to switch to a suit mode. Keep suit modes the way they worked in the PC version. Did they think console players were too braindead to manage that?
>Hunt : Showdown
Don't remind me. They didn't downgrade at launch, they downgraded a few patches after launch, suspiciously coinciding with when they announced the console ports.
They gave a taste of graphical kino and then took it away, I will never not be mad.
It's amazing how a console port instantly means downgrade for PC even if the game is already out. Same thing happened with Kingdom Come.
>they downgraded a few patches after launch
Forgive me, I downloaded and checked out the game while it was in early access but must not have played again until after those patches came out. I fucking hate how it looks now, max settings and the game still looks like shit. It hits especially hard for me because I think the gameplay itself is fucking great.
It still looks great in places, the biggest travesty is what they did to the LOD, everything past 10 metres starts to look like fortnite.