This level is pure shit
it's like blight town except it's only the shitty part
This level is pure shit
it's short, easy, you don't run slower except in a tiny part of it, it has cool enemies, it's shaped like a circle with big landmarks, the poison does no damage, how is it shitty. it also has the cool optional tower
On top of that there is no rusted iron ring this time.
Why did they put one of the most obnoxious enemies in the game in such an early area?
just walk past him?
That’s not the profaned capital. That place was such a letdown holy shit.
As someone who actually likes swamps in souls games I agree
I hate swamp areas but this one was largely in offensive and at times enjoyable.
Every time I replay 3 and get there I'm wondering how much content was cut or unfinished
The enemies are all fucking annoying to fight and trying to beat this area for the first time is a fucking drag
It doesn't even feel like a dark souls level...
i find this stuff interesting but really, every game has cut content. things shift around, entire sections or plotlines are removed, often for good reason. it isn't a sign of a bad game, it's an inevitable reality of game development
The secret to farron swamp is using the dagger weapon are to quickstep through all the mud.
I'm wondering what had to be cut for deadlines or just laziness. At least Sekiro washed the stink out of their name
Either the intended gameplay for Farron Keep is waddling slowly through shit, or roll/quickstep spam. Both of which are retarded.
>Demeaning yourself by carrying a bitch dagger instead of just eating the pain
the only tough enemies imo are the big weirdos with the staffs. use a bow to pull one at a time and fight them on the stairs. the crazy guys that glow red and jump on you have low poise you can smash em real quick with spammy attacks
>Profaned Capital
>"Anor Londo"
>Consumed King's Garden
This game really enjoyed teasing sprawling levels only to leave you ass out
Why is it the deleted shit in these games are so much more interesting then the final game? It's like they really push to make something ambitious and then realize they can just rehash the Demon's Souls Formula again and still sell it not even bothering with any of the more interesting mechanics. I can't even hype myself for Elden Ring because it's already bound to be another retread that we'll have datamined to have had all this amazing shit scrapped for time.
With all the swamp areas in DaS3 why the fuck did they exclude the old iron ring? Yeah whatever poison barely does any damage but that’s not the point.
fromsoft consistently pump out high quality games, also they have that japanese work ethic. how could you bring up laziness..
The ONLY good enemies are dark wraiths and the giant monsters The other ones are either forgettable or annoying The tower should have been the entire farron keep and the torches should have acted as checkpoints throughout the bridge
nah irrylthll dungeon is pure shit
Fuck do you mean obnoxious. And they’re the on,y 2 good enemies in that otherwise bland ass level. Shit taste.
>deleted shit in these games are so much more interesting then the final game
grass is always greener on the other side. me wanty what me can't have. it's the same shit as prerelease hype, watching trailers and getting excited wondering what the game is gonna be like it, then once you've actually played it you care less
>playing Dark Souls III
There's your first problem
bro do you not remember how lazy 2 was? I actually enjoyed it but I'm not gonna pretend they cut more than a few corners there
shit gets cut probably because it is way out of the realm of possibility, notice how many things pre development were scrapped in the pic too, they cut horses and a liquid boss because they couldnt pull it off. I imagine all the other mechanics sounded good but were going to be terribly hard to pull off with the deadlines bandai namco put in place. Though with the amount of time put into elden ring so far and the fact it is probably delayed now makes me hopeful they have more time to actual implement shit in.
Cut content has nothing to do with laziness or rehashing a formula you dipwad. It was due to time constraints and polishing what was already there rather than forcing a ton of half assed and unfinished content. Glass half full half empty but not lazy.
i don't like 2 that much and it's the weakest but it's not lazy, it's just incompetent
I believe that Bandai Namco and From will produce Dark Souls 4 after putting out Elden Ring (and its possble sequels?).
A Dark Souls ''reboot'' after a real and clear conclusion of the current saga could also be made at some point in the future because the Dark Souls/Souls brand is very strong.
Reminds me of this. they always find a way to gut the most interesting ideas they have
Here we go again, it's the retard brigade whose parents didn't buy Dark Souls III for them so they shit on it endlessly, just like they did with Dark Souls II back in the day.
The image in question is always brought up as some sort of "evidence". I'll tell you a secret; it's not. I know most of you have never actually made a single thing in your lives, but I would encourage it so you learn a little bit about concepting and process.
Making music, drawing a comic book, even painting a traditional painting and, as goes without saying, making a movie or video game invariably changes many times in the process of that making. Things get shifted around, changed colour and shape, and many things get dropped because they don't work or they don't fit. This happens every single time with every single thing made by humans. This is why "making of" documentaries exist, so you can see the stuff that was being considered in the process. Just because something doesn't use every concept they had along the way, does NOT mean there's a big conspiracy to make the product worse for you. There is no content that they made that they decided not to give you. The reason they jigged around bosses like Gundyr, Yhorm and Oceiros is because they decided it fit better in the final product.
They probably had problems making the bridge level so the boss from there was moved. They couldn't quite execute the liquid boss so they settled for having a character that submerges into the stage environment which is still nicely executed, though admittedly not perfect. The fact that they found a way to re-purpose the Great Bat as the Demon Prince (something which also fits better in the lore) shows that they TRY to use stuff if enough of it is workable. Yes, it's a bit of a shame that they forgot to remove the "greatwood" message, and some other stuff like that. It's a shame in the same way it's a shame there's a visible floating door in the Duke's Archives.
fuck fromsoft