What is the worst gameplay mechanic you can think of?

what is the worst gameplay mechanic you can think of?

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This shitty thread, faggot.


Not that one you casual faggot. Pathetic. Lift weights.

gig gud


ink ribbons were fucking based, I wish every resident evil had this

forced stealth segments in a action game
fuck spiderman

Ink ribbons are fine. Resi's big thing is removing QoL so that when you're in a bad situation it's actually bad. It's also why you have low health and tank controls. If you make a tactical mistake and a zombie gets close you're most likely helpless, but that uncertainty is what makes it scary and tense.

You not being aborted

IVs in pokemon.

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Level scaling.


Modern people are literally made of garbage and stupid.

Ink ribbons are based, more games should have saving as a resource mechanic, fuck savescumming.

>drooling with rage and recurring to petty name calling because someone insulted a toy you liked as a kid
Have sex.

Ink ribbons are based faggot. But whats gay af is QTEs and health regen.god i hate that shit

zoomer here, played resident evil and re2 on hard and had no problem with ink ribbons. Stop being a faggot, bad saving systems are ones like dragons dogma

I finished every RE game with dozens of ink ribbons left. It would be bad if there were like 2 ribbons in the whole game, or if you could lose it or something. But that's not the case.
Basically, git gud.


Why people here seething so hard?

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>ink ribbons put too much pressure on when to save
You should go play Animal Crossing with the rest of the ladies and bronies.

weapon durability most of the time

I don't like limited saving as a concept either. I can sort of accept its presence in a game like Resident Evil, since so much of it is about resource conservation. I'll be mad and unhappy but I can't say I don't see why it was put in it even if I wish it wasn't.
But for something like Hitman, it can screw right off.

As far as other things go, though, insta-fail stealth sections in games that are not primarily stealth games.

>start exercising
>don't play vidya as much
>hate mechanics like ink ribbons even more because they make me do sections of the game over wasting time I could use exercising

why *are* people etc.



Pretty much the entire stat system in Pokemon is a complete mess. What makes it even funnier is that it goes complete against the message the story hammers into you. You've got characters telling you there's no such thing as strong pokemon or weak pokemon but the gameplay makes it so that certain pokemon are designated as inferior the instant they come out of their egg because they got the wrong nature or shitty IVs.

8 times out of 10, weapon durability is something I'd cut from a game. It rarely enhances gameplay in any meaningful way, it's just something you do because it's there.

I'd compare Dark Souls 1 and 2 as examples of bad and good durability.
In DaS1, it's mostly just there. Outside of dragon weapons with durability eating skills and the occasional situation with durability eating acid, it's just something you spend a pittance of souls on every few bonfires. It doesn't matter that much.

In DaS2 though, weapon durability is something you gotta seriously watch out for. Weapons degrade pretty fast, so you either gotta be careful how you spend your durability or have back up weapons ready to go. And acid traps and the like are a bigger deal since your weapon is very likely to get fucked up.

So yeah, if durability isn't something you actively need to keep track of, I'm all for removing it since generally it's just a money sink.

I personally think that the moment you can repair your shit is the moment durability lose any meaning.

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The ACTUAL worst part of RE is the fucking small ass inventory. Literally ruins the game.

Darkwood and Dead Rising do weapon durability pretty well. In Dead Rising it forces you to think on your feet, in Darkwood it makes it so melee weapons are a resource you can't endlessly use.

Ink ribbons are honestly such a good mechanic. You have to play really dumb to actually run out of them, but you'll often play for stretches of time just to play it safe. Not saving for a while feels rewarding when you actually save, and increases the tension when you run into enemies. I remember playing REmake 2 on hard and going for about an hour without saving just to run into Mr. X in a small room with Lickers in the hallway. Shit was so god damn tense and fun to run away from him.