JRPG Thread

What are you playing? I'm finishing up the bestiary in FFXII after 210 hours. The game was so fun. Probably my favorite Final Fantasy ever now

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Best FF7R. We where doing so well until that fucking ending.

Now I'm off playing P5R. And I gotta say I really dislike the palaces the second time around. It just enter room. Stop. Lame dialogue. Fight 3 shadows. Do obvious puzzle or shit platforming. Enter next room.

I'm playing Ys VI

I havent played a SMT game before, can I start with soul hackers on the 3ds?

I was playing this game but I'm not sure if I want to since I can't get the mods working, I think because my copy is pirated.

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also playing FFXII, its my first time. Enjoying it a lot so far.
Earlier this week i played through FFX, X-2 didnt hit the spot for me though, felt off

Which mods? I modded the hell out of it on my 2nd playthrough and I pirated the game.

>X-2 didnt hit the spot for me though, felt off
Same. I could see myself actually enjoying it if it wasn't supposed to be a sequel to X. But going in right after X was jarring to say the least.

I got kaldaien's cracked tool thing but when I have it installed I just get a black screen. The game is running in the background but I can't see shit. I want to use the texture mods.

That's what I started with. I'd say go for it, story is self contained besides a few references to it's direct predecessor.

Dropped DQXI the moment they told me to recolect the 6 whatevers of the elements. I don't know why it is so praised, thought it was extremely cliché. It is not a bad game at all, just mediocre.

FF7R was almost set to be my game of the year until I reached the ending. It left a very bitter taste in my mouth.

Might fire up FF12 again. Are you playing the Zodiac Age perchance? I was thinking of getting it

It's only worth getting it on PC where you can fix it with mods(and because it has 60fps). The others are ugly as hell and run at 30fps. Switch is second best to PC since it has additional features.

X-2 is in my top 3 FF. Combat is far superior than X and jobs are fun as fuck. Story is not the best, but FFX plot was also mediocre.

yeah i mean x-2 had a great soundtrack, nice visuals and a pretty cool art direction, but i couldnt take it seriously with all the

>worst final fantasy ever made
>The game was so fun
Where do you fucking brainless amoebas even come from

Go outside and get some air, nigger.

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Fucking finally started Trials demo because I made the mistake of following my friends' hype and buying Animal Crossing at launch, which just gave me a distaste for my Switch, having to do the same shit for an hour every day in AC. I have Collection of Mana but haven't touched it yet. I guess I'll finish Trials demo then play the collection and grab Trials when it's cheaper since the demo makes it feel like low-budget like the 3D Ys games.

I did Angela, Riesz, Charlotte. Just got through Charlotte's flashback and saved the game in the next town because I didn't plan on playing for two hours last night. The game is enjoyable if not repetitive. Normal mode was a mistake, so I'll bump it to Hard when I jump back in. Lock-on seems useless when I can just run around spamming AAX since Rabites aren't worth circle-strafing. I've unlocked a Light spell for Angela and a healing spell for Charlotte (Light as well?) that I can't access because of plot reasons, I think. But Angela's staff hits hard enough for melee so far, so I don't know if this will be a problem later on. That is, if I don't get magic soon I might want to just do melee build in the main game. It's too tempting to switch to Riesz because I like spear-users/dragoons in other games, but I chose Angela as main and I feel compelled to treat her as such.

The demo is braindead easy even on Hard mode, I don't know what they were thinking. Hopefully the difficulty seriously picks up later.

FFXII is objectively top 3. Just running around Ivalice is so immersive. Getting to Rabanastre for the first time in 2006 was a fucking revelation. We still haven't had a JRPG with a city as big and packed as Rabanastre to this day.

playing games are for manchildren and trannies

But I'm not a manchild or a tranny, now what?

It's only top 5 if you have the tism.

spoken like a true manchild

ok tranny

Replaying FF7R on hard mode, the battle system is a lot of fun.

I'm playing P5R and after 85h I'm about to fight Sae. I remember finishing vanilla in like 90h so this one feels way longer even though there hasn't been much new content.

Kasumi is love.

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What kinda non-autist plays jrpgs that aren’t persona 5?

Meant for

Made it to Esthar in FFVIII.
>Lunatic Pandora is going to pass over these 3 places
>"...Well, how the fuck do I get there"
Took three tries to get this shit right.