*Kills your game series*

>*Kills your game series*

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I fucking hate strive!

What were they thinking?

I'm still looking forward to this game. Fight me.

>They thought Strive would kill the game

Have you apologized to the better Arcsys fighting game yet?

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How can we fight you if we aren't buying it?
You gifting copies or something?

Isnt that the purpose of a beta? They will hear the feedback and fix what's wrong.

The gameplay can't be salvaged at this point

Strive actually felt like a far more casual game than GBFV, and I didnt think that'd be possible

you have to be actually retarded and bad at fighting games in general to enjoy granblue fantasy.

Yes it can.
Tone down the damage, loosen up gatlings, and we're already looking at a way better game.

The beta revealed that the gameplay is pretty garbage but I'll probably still buy it because I'm a faggot for GG.

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Will this game die in mere days just like Xrd and Rev 2?

It's guilty gear dude

It will do that regardless of whether is a good or bad game.

Don't bother me none. It's not like the other games disappeared and if they somehow continue onwards in the future, they'll know what to avoid.

Who knows
But rollback means that a lower playerbase doesn't matter, you can get good connections with way more people

I don't get the appeal of the game. You are use doing inputs and weird Canada angles and shitty particle effects appear of nowhere. It kinda breaks any immersion I have in a game

It's gonna be airdasher SFV with shorter movesets, less execution, and a repeated wall break flying animation that you can't skip.

what the fuck is a canada angle

and with infinitely tinier playerbase

It'll make Xrd look like a huge success.

it's gg. if you're not playing in japan then its doa.

Yeah. Visuals and soundtrack sold me the game already.

casual fighters are more popular than ever, its just a matter of whether or not it can attract enough new players

>wants to appeal to casuals
>gets rid of normal chains

Of course, it's GG.

>and a repeated wall break flying animation that you can't skip.
That shit's gonna get annoying real fast

Literally impossible.

Then you have not seen the response to Strive. One of the Japanese players wrote a 2400 character essay on why it sucks for the survey. That's Japanese characters.

Isuka did that first m8

Which one is gonna survive longer, GG or GBVS?

There are arguably a lot of other things that need fixing. They removed or gimped so many mechanics (IB, FD air blocking, teching, slashback/blitzshield, throws). Overall there are just a lot fewer options both for offense and defense. I understand that some people don't like the existing system mechanics, but combine the above with a smaller roster and shorter move lists and you end with a game that has a lot less variety and consequently less depth. Combos are also less freeform and the gatling issues restrict the player further. What Strive adds is the wall break stage transition stuff and making everything more cinematic with more screen shake and hit stun. There is absolutely zero chance of Arcsys changing even half of these things. I mean even after 8 months they haven't even fixed the UI which literally everyone complained about.