1. How long have you been here and

1. How long have you been here and
2. What's the most important thing you've learned while on Yas Forums?

>always do the opposite of what Yas Forums says

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>who knows, i think 2 years
>most people are faggots, but there's always a few good people here and there

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Everything here is shitposting and the only reason to come here is to shitpost. If take this place seriously and get unironically mad at the things posted, if you care about the "board quality", then you are doing Yas Forums wrong.

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whenever you think this board can't get worse it will get worse

I think Yas Forums's quality has actually gotten slightly better since around 2016, the shitposting was worse back then and it seems to have slowed down more, I see more actual vidya threads with real discussion than I remember seeing a few years ago. However Yas Forums's also gotten slower over time.

12 years
I can come here and call everyone a nigger without ANY consequences because the jannies love me

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I don't actually enjoy video games

Eventually time will destroy everything you love.

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on and off since 2008/9
i only come here for cunny and shitposting

Drawfag since 2004
Normalfags are always wrong

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Yas Forums in general? late 09
Yas Forums? Early 2010.
Best piece of advice I've ever taken to heart about this place is that it's not ever as bad as anyone says, and even when the board is "in decline" people will look back fondly on it 2-3 years later. Just roll with it and you're guaranteed to have a good time at least once a week.

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>The ride never ends and meme magic is real.

>pretending to be a moron for laughs will just bring in actual morons thinking they are among other morons and it will get to the point where those morons will become the majority and insist everyone was always a moron and when someone from before the morons came in says anything they will say he is new and does not belong here

Dunno, 7 or 8 years?

Yas Forums might as well be the most retarded and contrarian place in the whole fucking internet filled to the brim with a bunch of fucking idiots but at least their (shitty) opinions are genuine and more often than not true, albeit still shitty.

This place ain't so bad, is like riding a bike you hate.

Post your earliest drawing that you still have saved.

idk like 8-9 years I have been here
weebs are retards

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Avoid frogposters and wojakposters like the plague. They're basically the newfags of this generation.

probably around 2006

wojak edits still make me laugh

That's pretty fucking cringe, m8.
>imagine caring about the images others post
>imagine getting unironically mad about them posting said images
Cringe, I tell you.

>inb4 hurr durr cringe, based, yikes and all that crap are shitty newfag buzzwords
I use them specifically to fuck around with you.

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1. Since 2008
2. Nothing can replace this shithole.

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>Pregnant women are hot

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Only the rarest ones user.

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Is pretty good.

>no matter how bad things might seem, it will get worse
Seriously, people look back at 2009-2012 Yas Forums as a golden age, but people at the time thought that Yas Forums was dead.

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>How to win an argument while knowing 0% of the facts

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I’m sure to post lots of twitter\reddit screen caps for yous

For some reason the shitposting back then felt different. Off topic sure but nothing like today.

1. 2007
2. I haven't learned anything.

Wrong, user. You've learned that you're here forever.

Facts and opinions

Do you even have a (You) counter you fucking zoomer?

Since 3DS reveal on the E3.


I've learned that nigger faggot tranny twink faggot cuck nintendobabby snoyboy xsuck PC master race gay for briget we do not forgive we do not forget fucking VIDEO GAMES sage.


What have I learned? Everyone here is a fucking nigger except me

Everyone feeds the trolls and takes things too seriously.

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you just have a bad memory and what you see as "real discussion" just stuff that fits your narrative for what shitposting should be about rather than what shitposting was back then.

1. 2004 but didnt browse Yas Forums until like 2006 or whenever those deer hunter threads happened.
2.always ride the Yas Forums hype train then immediately get off it once it slows down and never look back

1. Around 2008, but I didn't browse Yas Forums that much until maybe 2010.
2. Never trust reviews from websites, and only make decisions after looking up actual gameplay.

I can guarantee nobody whose opinion matters looks fondly upon any year past 2015

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anyone who unironically complains about "coomers" and lewds being posted is a cucked newfag sucking discord tranny dick

1. April 2020
2. Penis size is the easiest way to bait people on this site.

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>how to be a massive weeb turbovirgin but come off as just a normal virgin irl

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>the average women of today
stopped reading right there

>tfw 30yo
>tfw been on Yas Forums since I was 15
>tfw been here literally half my life

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that this is the only place people could relate to me or I could relate to them, no other person in real life shares my interests or views.

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2007. Cave Story and God Hand were pretty good games that I got recommended.

Those who shout the loudest are the ones who least have a clue about what they are saying.

And PS3 has no games.

Are you implying videogames (and things related to them) aren't a serious matter?

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Pretending to be idiots brought idiots

Post your favorite game.

Only people with similar tastes are my siblings and one lifelong friend. Majority of people with my taste in anime/vidya are insufferable autists who never leave the house so I have to hang out with normies because at least they can be fun.

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>People both paid and unpaid come here to shill shit and anyone who says anything is good is probably lying

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Fuck off normalfag, you don't share anything with us go die in a fire.

>tfw face when 15 years of shitposting experience

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