What is the best WRPG you ever played, any why is it Kingdome Come: Deliverance?

what is the best WRPG you ever played, any why is it Kingdome Come: Deliverance?

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Isn't Eastern European though? Or Western as in not chink shit? I wouldn't want to lump in this actually good game with the trash NA makes though.

Great game.

Buggy as fuck.

Shit combat against more than one person.

Can be cheesed easily with a bow.

Pretty AF graphics.

No horse combat.

A lot of missing content.

s-slavs are western when it suits my agenda

>buggy as fuck
that was only on release. it was 15 bux recently on steam/g2a. for that money it's the best RPG i ever played

It could have been a masterpiece but after a few hours of play you start getting tons of expensive gear and start drowning in money.
on top of that the further parts of the map have caches with crazy gear that you simply get for nothing....
You can also carry so much gear and then of course sell it.
This was a crazy mistakes and destroys the pacing of the game as you, again become really rich.
And yeah, archery is fucked.

What agenda?

SJW's claim to love diversity, but since slavs hate faggots and trannies, they're deemed to be western and not at all diverse, and therefore never included in any SJW media.

He's become so steeped in political bickering that he can't let go of it. The "W" in WRPG set him off.

Anyone got the webm of the cuman spinning his sword?

Yeah, even after all the patches and the addition of hardcore mode this video remains true.
Except replace "lategame" with like "10-20 hours"

I had a pretty damn good time with Age of Decadence, but the interface was shit, combat was a mess of RNG and hidden numbers, and it was buggy as hell.
And despite those problems I still recommend it. It's not the best I played but I'll still mention it.

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I just got the game and I have a question:
>run into a pair of bandits fighting guards
>one of the guards beats the shit of one of the bandits
>try to loot the corpse
>they aggro on me saying Im stealing
I cant pull a Stalker and let each band kill each other and loot the corpses?

I never played it, so it can't be.

it's Gothic, but KCD is one of the best of recent times

Can you be an evil fuck in KCD?

its the middle ages, looting corpses is punishable by death

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i started robbing tradesmen and killing their wives in their sleep all over rattay

Looting corpses is morally wrong unless it's someone that you killed in "honorable" combat.
Scavenging a battlefield is theft.
If some bandits attack you then you can take their shit without anyone caring.
If a bandit surrenders and you execute him anyway, then taking his shit is theft.

The button prompts wiill let you know if it's theft or not.

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I see, but I helped the guards, but they got the killing blow but still, pretty cool stuff.
I guess I cant carry the corpse too.

wasn't there some "scandal" about this game because its actually historically correct and there are neither nignogs nor fighting women in this game?

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How is that game a RPG?

It still is buggy as hell.

How is it not you stupid faggot?

People clung to some historian who was like "Yeah well you never know, some nog could have stayed at an inn and gotten sick and then pregnancies happened" and they used the "WELL YOU NEVER KNOW" argument really hard against the devs who claimed historical accuracy.

how is archery fucked?
Im playing it and training as much as I can, but hittin a bandit once before he charges me and have to melee is my best case scenario
not easy nor overpowered imo

use it on horseback

It somehow upper its damage or accuracy?
Otherwise the fucker will charge at me anyways and bump me out of my horse.
I dont see how its fucked

>archery is fucked
dude.. you get 1 to 2 arrows off at best before your enemy charges you tip of the sword first

get on my lvl

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I have to agree, the clunkiness of the controls and the combat itself has serious issues though.

The best WRPG I ever played was Disco Elysium, but you have to really dig the setting, which is quite a barrier for many people.

slav devs seem to be the last hope of vidya

>witcher series
so SJW shit

Looks more like a story driven action game

But user, it doesn't have a combat system modelled on Dungeons and Dragons. It can't be an rpg!

Also obligatory post

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above average bait

It's still really buggy my guy.

Gothic II