Drop your last pathethic card

Drop your last pathethic card

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Fuck your board, bitch

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I hate yugeoh so fucking much

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dude you already lost I played this card 20 turns ago and I win now blow me

forgot pic

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>You can make your opponent banish cards from their field face-down


She was a slut



you cant get back cards face down really, it;s a harder banish.

Your fucking lives are fucking over 25 turns from now. Let me just set up my board with my flip effect monsters from 2005.

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They really do keep finding ways to make Yugioh less and less intuitive. Simply amazing.

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Just play Rush Duels. Simpler format with old school cards.

Banished face down means they can't be recovered through card effects. So you can't use them throughout the duel anymore.


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>having to create a level 2 banish because the first banish stopped actually being a banish

Fucking hell what a shitshow of a game.

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Facedown banishing have been in the game since the early days m8. See: DD Capsule.

>I set myself face down and end my life.

I never remember it being relevant back when I played in like 2011, maybe it still not. My point still stands though, I have played a lot of card games and few are as poorly designed as Yugioh when it comes to shit like them planning ahead, future proofing, making things easy to read, learn and follow, etc. It's such a fucking mess of a game.

dumb cyber angel user

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>My point still stands though
It literally doesn't you fucking, eat my dick, that's the only way you'll have some taste.

Reply to literally anything I said then instead of making a pathetic attempt at an insult. Was it ever relevant to gameplay back when I actually knew the meta? Can you actually argue that Yugioh is good at making it's cards readable and easy to understand? Can you actually argue that Yugioh's problem solving card text is intuitive?

The stallchad experience

>Kaiba as an angsty popular bitchy girl at a duel academy
>Jaden didn't fuck her

Jaden is an autistic faggot of the highest level of course. He could have fucked lots of hot girls at the academy.

>his nuke has a cost

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Yeah but he has a "girl" in his head he can fuck all the time without any problems.

>he can't recognize the artstyle.

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Just bought that updated Link Evolution for PS4. Glad to get back into card games.

For me, it's Yubel.

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Ya proud of that? You shouldn't be.