This is a female knight. You can tell because her bare thighs are exposed for some inexplicable reason

This is a female knight. You can tell because her bare thighs are exposed for some inexplicable reason.

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I’m excuse me but that is actually is a female blood elf paladin from the game world of Warcraft

go away homo

Why can't wow look like this pic. fucking hack sjw devs

I know right? This would be a perfectly realistic depiction of a knight if not for that one detail. Fucking incel wet dream design, this is not ok.

comparatively, female knights didn't exist
the whole unrealistic armor argument is completely retarded, and even wrong on those merits
noble armor had tight waists and large codpieces because that was hot back then, so the equivalent would be breast armor and tight waists

>Wei Wang
Best WoW artist

The cloth thing would get in the way

Can you imagine how big her futa cock is?

ah yes, exposed thighs, how on earth will she ever survive combat?

never mind her head is completely exposed, allowing a drunken peasant to potentially knock her out with a lucky swing

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it's called a tabard

Why the fuck are you complaining about lack of realism in a game set in a fantasy world with magic and dragons?

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>female knights didn't exist
wow, sexist

It does seems silly when devs give both genders the exact same armor then go out of their way to expose the thighs, shoulders, or stomach of the females. I'm not complainong though, I think it's arousing when only a bitnof skin can be seen.

Indeed. This artwork is amazing, it was for the release of TBC when the blood elves were Blood Knight and not paladin, that's why it's so "edgy"
Really cool

They don't look like blood knights to me

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I can explain the reason. Cuz its fucking hot

No, it’s a Blood Elf Paladin, you can tell because she looks like a massive slut.

That's a paladin

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someone edit the thot out of this nice pic of the Icewind Dale emblem

this is a tranny
you can tell from the seething for some inexplicable reason

>that grip

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>some inexplicable reason
making dicks hard is not some inexplicable reason

its a priest that knows how to fight.

fashion for fashion's sake is always reason enough.

this, except bare thighs instead of fashion

Bait thread, but real answer is for stylized fantasy characters, fashion is often a consideration for character designs instead of almost pure functionality in the real world. Although, fashion and expression are important in real life as well but just not as much.

In a way, the "Muh realism" crowd is as bad as the "Muh dick" one.

So unrealistic

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tots agree, exposed skin is tots unreallistic

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>what is mobility
try harder roastie

That man fights in a formation, his head is the only part that needs protection as the shield coves the rest.