New Threat

Can we all agree that it is the definitive version of Final Fantasy 7?

Attached: 1581879754556.png (825x561, 95.21K)


does it have the retranslation?

I am glad we are in agreement.



Attached: final-fantasy-vii-remake.jpg (1200x1483, 360.3K)

You cannot be saved.

Unironically new threat is perfect example how they should have handled the remake.

imagine saying that remake is fanficton in a thread defending new threat, the game that constantly changes and adds story beats and cuts entire segments from the game

I don't think you know what fanfiction is or even appreciate the irony of this post about a fanfic mod.

>keep literally all the original stuff
>add new stuff but keep it light as to not upset the original flow of the game
>rebalance without going full hardmode
>expand upon themes in very subtle ways without Flanderizing personalities
New Threat is pretty amazing considering it's just a fan project.

>not using modes
consolefag scum

I'm always disappointed that difficulty mods just take away all the fun tools and give you "+5 poison resistance against yellow enemies after 94 turns of combat" abilities in their place, instead of giving you tougher opponents that actually test how well you can use the game's existing system to your advantage.

>keep literally all the original stuff
wrong on the first line

The only thing I vividly remember about New Threat was that it was fun fighting the new Solider-battles. I really enjoyed the way they were handled, and each encounter with new Soldiers really made them feel as powerful as they were meant to be.

I remember running into a couple of low-grade Soldiers in the Shinra building and they completely dominated me. It was so much fun finally experiencing what it was like going up against -what was suppose to be- the absolute peak of the elite.

What'd they remove? I don't remember them removing anything, but I might be wrong.

>Aerith lives
>I have to care more about random battles
>individual stat management for all characters
why would I play such a pile of shit?

Does it have the original Japanese text?

>Aerith lives
Only if you choose so
>I have to care more about random battles
I played the whole mod with random battles turned off on arrange mode, and i had no trouble at all.
>Individual stat management for all characters
This is only legit criticism here.

>What'd they remove?
remake's ending being a bunch of bullshit made me wanna play the original again so I checked out new threat the other day, only about four hours in (most of the way through the first shinra tower) and already they
>completely removed hojo trying to breed more ancients using aeris and red, now it's some stupid shit about "increasing her connection to the plante through battle" even though she's still unarmed and trapped in a small cage with a fire wolf

also they replaced the "rebuild the model of midgar" sequence with just finding the keycard in an unopened treasure chest right there, and instead the model is already built and blocked off by a dumb gag where a big robot says the door is closed and if you try to fight it he nukes you for thousands of damage but then you just respawn right in front of him.

also there's already the aeris ghost in the church the second after you leave it the first time even though that doesn't make any fucking sense

>Individual stat management for all characters
I'm confused, is this not a sought-after trait in an RPG?

only among autistic minmaxers. new threat gets it right in making the party members of ff7 more distinct than slightly different stats/weapons and the handful of limits that aren't just heavy damage by giving each character a specific perk (like what FF6 did) but then it goes way too far with the minmax autism by also having a system where you have stat points to make "builds" for your characters and balances the game around it.

if they'd just kept it at the better AI, the more threatening enemies, the character perks, the rebalanced magic and the better arranged progression of how you get materia that'd be fine, but they went a step too far.

What did it cut?


unlocking omni-slash by defeating zack in a mind battle fits perfectly, nomura needs to copy this idea for when part 3 comes out in 2028

Literally everything you just said sounds amazing to me. More freedom of choice as to how you form and use your characters and in what ways? That sounds like something Square has failed to do since... FFT maybe?

Aerith's ghost was always just a glitch. You can see her in disk 1 vanilla too.

New threat isn't a difficulty mod, besides, the original is broken as fuck
>use enemy skill to get big guard & beta: win the game
>bonus points, cheese mini games to one shot almost everything with omni slash

and now there's an entire new NPC that exists just to point out the ghost exists, instead of fixing that glitch they made it "canon" in a way that makes no sense

You will get Omnislash because you fight Angeal's ghost-otherkin while blowing Genisis and taking it up the ass from that Zell-wannabe from Advent Children.

your own fucking link says "In conclusion, Aeris' ghost is not a glitch"

>if you read a FAQ and know exactly what to do the game is broken
literally every jrpg is like this. most games period are like this.

>test how well you can use the game's existing system to your advantage.
>use spell the enemy is weak to
>congratz, you have mastered ff7 combat