There hasn't been a single good video game OST since the first FF13(2009)

>there hasn't been a single good video game OST since the first FF13(2009)
I guess you can't top perfection.

Attached: ff13.jpg (1920x1200, 978.93K)

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hi toriyama

FFXIII's OST wasn't even that great, largely unremarkable ambiance. WH40K Mechanicus is better.

The only two tracks I remember for that game were the battle theme and the sunleth waterscape (?)

Is it an unpopular opinion to think that XIII isn't that bad of a game especially after the dumpster fire that was XV? It wasn't great, but at least it still resembled a FF.

Attached: desk.gif (500x375, 66.93K)

Tastelet contrarian opinions don't matter here.

XIII-2's is infinitely superior.

It's good but by virtue of coming after the first game its inherently inferior.

I'm trying to play this on PC but there's some motion blur or something going on that's giving me a headache. I don't remember having that problem on PS3 back in the day. Anybody know how to fix it? There aren't many settings.

Attached: Shin Megami Tensei IVjpg.jpg (1686x2251, 2.29M)

I like how all of a sudden people were realizing that this was a good game. I still remember the worry of going out to buy it in store with all the negativity of it being "too linear and garbage".

>all of a sudden
We've had people actively loving it for well over 10 years now on Yas Forums. Just a minority do though.

>what is NieR (2010)
>what is FF Type0 (2010
>what is MGS:PW (2010)
>what is FF:LR (2014)
>what is Talos Principle (2014)
>what is Nier: Automata (2017)
>what is Persona 5 (2017)
>what is Death Stranding (2019)
...list goes on

Attached: 1585821644586.png (1920x1080, 1.49M)

NOT good in comparison to FF13.

Neither Persona 5 or Death Stranding have an outstanding OST tho. They're good, tops.

I've liked XIII since I've first played it, in 2009. I honestly understand the complains but never understood the raging hate it generated.


Not FF13 but I play this when I feel sad and it makes me feel better.

persona 5 has a great soundtrack

The Witcher 3 had a way better soundtrack than FFXIII.


The Witcher 3 had absolutely nothing good going for it period.

you're trying way too hard to hate 13

nice dude, maybe you'll have sex one day

Not an argument.

It's very easy to hate a game that's bad.

WoFF, FF7R, both Nier games, FF13-2 and LR, Octopath Traveler... Holy shit, you are right. Only SquareEnix's games are on the list.

Dumb FF13 apologists coming out of the woodwork again?

>what is Bloodborne
I don't even remember the music in FFXIII because the whole game was so fucking bad.

>What is Metal Gear Rising?

>hates game
>automatically hates OST, too
Yas Forums and FF "fans" in a nutshell

They feel emboldened because FF7R is being trashed

HAHA, good one, pleb.

Just because we don't think an OST is the best thing ever doesn't mean we hate it. FFXIII has some great tracks, but it's not even the best in the series, and far from Hamauzu's best work.

FF13 ost didn't break ceilings like this grammy-nominated work

I won't defend XIII but I *will* marry Lightning!

Attached: 1517629517346.png (1920x1080, 2.44M)

Is this suppose to be good or something? It's very basic and derivative.