VA of Gordon Freeman Died

Seven hours ago, the voice actor of Gordon Freeman was involved in a fatal car accident and perished before the paramedics arrived. Gabe Newell, stated that it would be disrespectful to replace him, officially announced that HL3 will never come to be.

May he continue to exist in our hearts and minds, and may he also rest in peace.

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Other urls found in this thread:

God that sucks
At least it wasn't kung flu

>voice actor of Gordon Freeman

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>mods won't pin this

Where's the news article?

Did someone say Kung Pow?

Attached: The Entirety of Kung Pow.webm (294x125, 2.87M)

This is a copypasta:

fucking faggot, i swear to god
big RIP
post your favorite freeman quotes
i'll start

Attached: file.png (529x404, 500.97K)

His voice was literally inseparable from the character. I can't imagine HL without him.
May he rest in peace.

How the fuck Valve got away with it?

Wait a minute


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Gordon you can't just say those kinds of things about the Combine, even if they are our enemy!

>its real
Jesus christ.
I dont think i can ever play half life again, knowing this.

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>Car accident
>Not train accident
Ya blew it.

You didn't even mention his name. You're full of shit and not even a fan.

>*deep breath* *deep breath* *deep breath*
What the fuck did Valve mean with this part?

RIP Benny Harvey.
Miss ya, big man.

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Didn't Kelly Bailey do Gordon Freeman's voice? Pretty sure he's still alive.

Also, the only time we ever hear Freeman's voice is pants and grunts. I'm pretty sure they can can just reuse the audio clips they already have.

Rip Gormon Friedman

had to look it up before i realized he doesnt talk holy shit im dumb
ive even played the games before

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RIP Gary Freeler

What was his name again?

Gone but not forgotten

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Gorrax Freznar

what??? wtf first the soldier guy and now this
rip dude this year is kicking our ass

Does this mean Gman’s voice actor is dead as well?

RIP Gordida Crunchman

upvoted good sir, really made my day