Have videogames stopped evolving?

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yes, and vr is not the solution.

but I think that better graphics are not the most important. but I think that maybe good games come out. but I think AAA games are not that good. But I think games are fine. But I think the industry is failing.

So are you Chinese or Japanese?

They are devolving thanks to Studios being filled with talentless minorities and women

yes because they have to appeal to the lowest common denominator, or be indieshit
indieshit is rarely ever good too

Games used to evolve and get creative because they had to circumvent technical roadblocks and hide limitations, as well as distract players from minding lacking audiovisuals.
Too big budgets and too good and accessible tech killed need to innovate.

Worse, they're devolving.

Devs taking out voip, basic server searching, and other things the old world had.

look at that face, his life clearly went anywhere so he believe things now are simply bad and cant see past the flaws of every age

I think hes based.

Yes they have, battle royale is the current evolution and is insanely popular, more so than the standard FPS games of the 2000's and early 2010's.

the major studios are out of ideas and just release remasters or demakes now
just play old games that you never played it's a much more enjoyable hobby than hoping for any company to make a proper game in the current year

Everyone knows this already. Except for the contrarian fanboys

The ocean? Which ocean?

Stopped evolving ever since proper MMO's died.

They're devolving because non-gamers care more about graphics and hype than actual gameplay. All the other social bullshit is an after effect of the problems mentioned above.

Bad games have always existed but good games continue to come out and some do improve on what came before. The only difference is that it's easier to get insane budgets plugged into bombs and attempt to carry sales through graphics or 'cinematic' stories without substance.

the gaming industry is saturated.

with apple's, android's, and microsoft's market, there are copies of copies of the same game.

nothing original.
no new story telling.
nothing interesting.

developers are more worried about releasing their content before any real development has begun.

but the fault mostly falls on the consumer. many of you idiots pay for games before they are finished. or youre such a fanboy for the series, that the developers cannot do any wrong in your eyes.

what happened to demos?

It never evolved past shit to begin with.

>"I don't play video games that much"
>"let me tell you about the state of the industry"

I typed a fucking essay on this from my phone amd accidentally deleted it all just before sending so fuck you OP and fuck your thread

>thinking you can experience imageboard on a phone
Get fucking real!

They are actively devolving in my opinion. I've had to pick up other hobbies to replace gaming.

We had bad luck with talented studio's going under due to their games flopping (e.g. Troika), 07/08 decimating the industry and disincentivizing innovation, 2 generations of shitty console hardware bottlenecking development, normification of the medium happening at too fast a pace for the industry to adapt to, AA gaming not going for the nerd consumer base and giving AAA competition, nerds not using collective bargaining to their end effectively, Notch not using his money to fund promising studios or people, let alone give icons their own studio...

... we are just stuck in this mess that favours big capital and normies. Things could've worked out way more favourably for us, but everyone involved has a vested interest in keeping things as shitty as they are so as not to escalate competiton. Least amount of work and creative effort for maximum profit.

in Japan? Yeah no

Honestly same

What are you up to? I started reading and working out a lot.

Absolutely, it is devolving because of the much more exposure to retards and normies, leading companies to make games for money solely, not for fans.

I've been getting back into drawing, and playing drums and piano again. Also been watching a fuckton of Kamen Rider, catching up on stuff I missed years ago like Faiz.

>play F.E.A.R. in 2006
>dynamic lighting
>random environmental objects have physics
>actually fun AI
>wow I bet in 10 years every game will have even more interactive environments and even better AI
>its still a total crapshoot whether or not a chair in a game will have physics or be glued to its location in spacetime
>environmental destruction is still rarity even in basic forms
>dynamic lighting basically doesn't exist anymore
>if you're lucky you can shoot a light out but never move it
>most games AI are dumber than a pile of bricks and not engaging at all
As someone who owns an Index I'm 80% certain that half of VR's positive reception is just from devs being forced to add in basic simulation elements that should have been standard in any big-budget release for the past decade.

It's movie syndrome. The bigger games get, the bigger their studios become. It used to be a room full of people could work together to create a product they all had input on. More graphics mean more people working on shit no one cares about. Getting the beard looking right on Kratos is of paramount importance but no one will be able to compliment it or notice it in reviews. It's just a large amount of money that is thrown away so that people don't meme blob beard. Even still, despite the massive amount of work, you'll still get people pointing out textures you can tell no one gave two shits about. You get people making parts of the game who don't even live in the same country. There's just no reason to give a shit beyond what you know will be safe since no one gets any real creative input.

The bigger the industry got, the more the focus on a non-gaming audience became. This was as early as the 4th generation with games being pretty and cutting-edge in all but gameplay. You had an excuse in the 80's and even then there were companies putting out good games so that's also a moot point. The move to 3D is where the problem lied at; too many companies and publishers wanting a pretty game or boast about a game being in 3D rather than making a good game. You at least had some companies who could do both but being at the top for too long causes decay and decline, but no one else has the space to fill in those old shoes and it shows.

Indie development isn't any better. Without a deadline over your head, you can take too much time to release a game or worse; not do anything with your game and sit on the Patreon cash accumulated indefinitely.

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